Recovery Timeline: What to Expect One Day, One Week, One Month, Post Fleur-de-lis Abdominoplasty

Recovery is an integral step following Fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty. Though the recovery time frame differs in each patient, most patients can resume light activities 3-4 weeks after surgery.

Fleur-de-lis Abdominoplasty addresses excess skin and separated abdominal muscles in the lower and upper abdominal region. In order to achieve the desired results, however, it is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully. To that end, understanding the recovery process, and what to expect after surgery is crucial.

This article provides a detailed recovery timeline following Fleur-de-lis surgery.

Anaesthetic for surgery

Anaesthetic for surgery

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The First 24 Hours Post-Surgery

The first 24 hours after surgery can be very overwhelming, as the patients may struggle to fully understand or manage the necessary care and recovery requirements. Therefore, it is always better to know what to expect the first day after surgery ahead of time.

Immediately After Surgery

Waking up in recovery ward after surgery | Dr Beldholm

Waking up in recovery ward after surgery | Dr Beldholm

Immediately after surgery, you will wake up in the recovery room feeling groggy due to the effects of the general anaesthesia. A study published in PubMed notes, “[t]he primary goal of general anaesthesia is to render a patient unconscious and unable to feel painful stimuli while controlling autonomic reflexes.”

Nurse taking blood pressure after surgery | Dr Beldholm

Nurse taking blood pressure after surgery | Dr Beldholm

After surgery, the anaesthetist stops the anaesthesia. This will allow you to wake up gradually but you may experience side effects such as loss of reflexes, reduced concentration, and temporary memory loss. These side effects will slowly diminish as the anaesthesia completely wears off, however, you will also begin to experience intense pain at the incision site where loose skin and fat were removed. Prescribed pain medication will help alleviate the pain.

It is important for the patients to note that there will be medical staff in the recovery room to monitor your pain level, ensure that your vitals stabilise accordingly, and address any complications, though rare, that may arise.

Hospital Stay

Maitland Private Hospital | Dr Beldholm

Maitland Private Hospital | Dr Beldholm

As noted earlier, Fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty is invasive as it deals with the lower and upper abdomen, and therefore, Dr. Beldholm advises his patients to stay in the hospital for a minimum of 2 days for monitoring. Ideally 2-3 days is a good time to stay in hospital even though some patients require a longer stay; up to 5 days for optimal recovery.

Staying in the hospital allows your specialist surgeon to monitor and respond to any immediate post-surgical complications, such as bleeding and anaesthesia-related allergic reactions that may arise. Moreover, this period helps you regain your strength, stabilise, and get ready for home care.

Mobility and Rest

Mobility and rest | Dr Beldholm

Mobility and rest | Dr Beldholm

Resting enough and prioritising comfort during the first 24 hours after surgery is very important as it promotes healing and recovery. Dr. Beldholm advises his patients to lie on their back at a 45-degree inclined angle to alleviate pressure on the surgical site and facilitate better healing. Because the body produces essential proteins and cytokines that boost immunity while at rest, getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. Patients should refrain from strenuous activities such as bending over and lifting heavy objects during this period. Arrange to take at least 2 weeks off from work after surgery

Emotional Well-Being

During the first 24 hours after surgery, some patients may experience strong emotions though responses vary depending on individual circumstances. Emotional responses like anxiety and nervousness are common after surgery. Body Contouring Surgery Clinic staff will be available to answer your questions, alleviate your concerns, and cater to your needs. Don’t shy away from asking for assistance or asking questions. 

Cosmetic surgery fleur de lis procedure

Cosmetic surgery fleur de lis procedure

The First Week Post-Surgery

You’ll likely spend the last days of the first week post-surgery at home. This period is crucial for recovery. During this time, it is essential for patients to follow all the post-operative guidelines provided to them by their specialist surgeons for optimal healing. Below is an overview of what to expect during this phase.

Pain and Discomfort Management

Pain medications post surgery | Dr Beldholm

Pain medications post surgery | Dr Beldholm

Patients may experience intense pain and discomfort during the first two days post-surgery. Dr Beldholm will prescribe pain medication, which should be taken as directed. Other methods, like the application of an ice pack, will also help alleviate pain and discomfort.

It is important to note that pain reduces gradually. Therefore, if your pain worsens instead of decreasing, seek medical assistance as soon as possible, as pain can be a sign that something is wrong. 

In addition to pain, the incision site will be swollen in the first week, but will also subside gradually. Patients should wear the compression garment given to them to manage the swelling. Dr. Beldholm recommends wearing compression garments for at least six weeks.

Wound Care and Dressings

PICO dressings applied after surgery | Dr Beldholm

PICO dressings applied after surgery | Dr Beldholm

Excellent wound care reduces the charges of skin infection which is among the top complications occurring after abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) surgery. A literature review on managing complications after abdominoplasty notes “[i]nfections are the second most common complication following abdominoplasty, with an estimated incidence between 1% and 3.8%, including operative site infection and infected seromas.

Patients should keep the wound and wound dressings dry and clean at all times. These dressings should be changed regularly. Dr Beldholm uses PICO negative pressure dressings for enhanced wound care and healing. Where necessary, one might have surgical drains in place to help drain excess lymphatic fluid, preventing seroma formation. Most specialist surgeons remove the surgical drains after 3 to 7 days. Dr Beldholm always tries to avoid using surgical drains unless absolutely necessary.

Mobility and Activity

Walking after surgery | Dr Beldholm

Walking after surgery | Dr Beldholm

Dr. Beldholm encourages light walks around the house to improve blood flow and reduce the risk of complications such as blood clots and deep vein thrombosis. These walks can be more frequent with each day. Take care not to injure yourself in the process, however, and ask for help whenever necessary.

While moving is important, it is also important to get enough sleep and avoid activities that may exert pressure on the incision. 

Remember, physical activities like exercising are still restricted during this phase. It is important to arrange for someone to help you during this phase.

Follow-Up Appointments

Follow-up appointments keep one updated on their progress and overall health. Despite feeling okay, patients should attend all the follow-up assessments set by their specialist surgeon. During this time, your specialist surgeon will remove the surgical drains if present and monitor your healing process. Additionally, the surgeon will assess any complications and address any concerns.

Emotional and Psychological Consideration

The results during the first week after surgery will not look anything like what the patient expected. The surgical region will be bruised and swollen. It is important to understand that this is a journey, and results don’t happen overnight. It is normal for some patients to experience emotional breakdown during this period, however notify your surgeon if you feel something is wrong.

Post operative care instructions

Post operative care instructions

One Month Post Surgery

By the end of the first month, most patients have noticeable improvements. The speculated abdominal contour will start to show. Most patients will be able to resume most of their daily activities. Here is what to expect during this time.

Physical Recovery Progress

At this time, pain and discomfort will subside significantly. Most patients can stand straight and feel more like themselves. Bruising and swelling will have decreased significantly, and the surgical results will be more visible as the abdominal area takes shape.

Some patients will still experience residual swelling which may take longer to disappear. In this case, continue using the compression garment until week six.

Exercise after fleur de lis abdominoplasty | Dr Beldholm

Exercise after fleur de lis abdominoplasty | Dr Beldholm

Resuming Daily Activities

Most patients can resume light activities by week 2 to 3 but it will vary from one patient to another. It is important to ease gradually into a normal routine, one step at a time. Patients can start light exercises within this period but still avoid strenuous activities that involve a lot of bending or lifting of heavy objects and exercises that strain the core. Do not exert pressure on the wound since it can cause wound dehiscence. 

Scar Management

By the third week, the incision scar is formed and its time begin scar treatments to minimise the risk of bad scarring. Patients can begin soft massages around the incision after consulting with their surgeon. Scar massage enhances blood flow and helps break tough scar tissue which promotes healing and reduces the risk of bad scarring.

A study on post-surgical scar management notes, “[w]e recommend beginning scar massage approximately 2 to 3 weeks postoperatively and performing twice daily 10-minutes massages for a total duration of at least 6 weeks”

Once the scabs covering the incision fall off, patients can move forward to other scar treatment techniques like topical treatments such as gels and creams, silicone gel sheets, vitamin D, cocoa butter, and vitamin E. Topical treatments help to keep the scar hydrated, moisturised, and enhances collagen production for wound repair. It is important for patients to avoid exposing the incision to direct sunlight.

Check-Up with Surgeon

Check-ups are a continuous process until full recovery. During this stage, the discussion focuses more on the healing progress. A specialist surgeon may either ask the patient to continue with the existing aftercare plan or suggest a new one, depending on their progress. He will also address any concern that the patient may have.

Psychological and Emotional Adjustments

It is important to stay positive and manage expectations as final results are still evolving. This allows the patients to enjoy the results of Fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) as they gradually appear.

Significant weight loss

Significant weight loss

Full Recovery

Recovering fully from Fleur-de-lis surgical procedure will take some time, however the results will be quite visible after three months though. There will still be minimal residual swelling, which will take about 12 months to fully subside. The scars will also take about 12 to 24 months to heal completely. Patients are encouraged to keep applying the scar treatments and maintain the scar care routine as directed by their surgeon.

While the patients are happy and excited about the results, they should ensure they maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly to maintain their abdominoplasty results. Please note that getting pregnant immediately after the surgery will compromise the results. Dr. Beldholm recommends waiting for 12 months after Fleur-de-lis to get pregnant. To learn more about pregnancy following Fleur-de-lis Abdominoplasty read our article: 8 Concerns About Pregnancy After Fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Surgery.

Driving after surgery | Dr Beldholm

Driving after surgery | Dr Beldholm

Tips for Enhanced Recovery

Patients should have realistic expectations and ensure optimal recovery to achieve their desired results after FDL surgery. Sometimes, the recovery journey feels strenuous and difficult to navigate, but it is just for a short period of time. Here are some tips to make the recovery process run as smoothly as possible.

Stay on Track with Follow-up Appointments

Patients should attend all tummy tucks follow-up sessions set by the specialist surgeon. These appointments are important for checking the healing progress and addressing any complications. It also gives patients a chance to have a one-on-one talk with their surgeon, explain how they feel, and receive emotional support through this journey. The surgeon will also assess if the home care routine is working accordingly and make adjustments where necessary.

Maintain a Healthy Diet and Hydration

Maintaining a healthy diet is key to recovery. Patients should eat a healthy, balanced diet and take recommended supplements to get enough nutrients that will help boost their recovery. Moreover, one should stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, and refraining from smoking.

Monitor Signs of Complications

After surgery, patients will experience pain, swelling, bruising and other side effects which subsides gradually through the recovery process. It is important to keep an eye on any sign of complications such as chronic pain, excessive swelling, fever or redness and contact your specialist surgeon accordingly.

Stay at a stable weight and avoid strenuous exercise

Stay at a stable weight and avoid strenuous exercise

Dr. Beldholm’s Final Take

Dr Bernard Beldholm in Office

Dr Bernard Beldholm in Office

Recovery from Fleur-de-lis starts immediately after surgery. During the first 24 hours, patients will feel groggy because of the effects of the anaesthesia and will feel pain once it wears off. Dr. Beldholm prescribes pain medication that will help manage the pain. Patients are required to spend at least 2 days in the hospital for observation.

Pain, swelling, and bruising start to subside during the first week. After about 3 weeks patients can start light activities but should ease gradually to the routine.

Patients will start noticing the FDL results in around 3 months. During this period, it is important to adhere to the post-operative guidelines and scar management techniques provided by the specialist surgeon for optimal recovery.

In case of any complications during the recovery period, patients should reach out to Dr Beldholm immediately.

Book a consultation with BCSC for personal advice and any other questions you might have about the recovery timeline after Fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty.


When can I see the full result of Fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty?

Patients can start noticing Fleur-de-lis tummy tuck procedure results after three months. It might, however, take longer before getting the full results due to residual swelling, which may take at least 12 months. Complete scar healing takes 12 to 14 months.

Should I wear a compression garment the whole day?

Dr. Beldholm recommends wearing a compression garment for the whole day during the first 4 weeks after surgery. The compression garment is essential to minimise swelling, pain and protect the incision where the sagging skin and fatty tissue was removed.

How long will I stay in the hospital?

Patients should stay in the hospital for 2 to 3 days for observation and monitoring. During this time the medical team will monitor your progress and respond to any complication that may arise. Only less invasive surgeries like mini tummy tuck allow one to go home the same day.

Should I walk around after Fleur-de-lis Abdominoplasty?

It is recommended to take slight walks around the house during recovery. This will enhance the blood flow and reduce the risks of blood clots. Patients should, however, avoid long strenuous walks.

How long before I resume work?

Patients should take some time off from work after Fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty surgery. You can resume light and less demanding activities after two to four weeks. However, it will take longer to return to work if your job involves more physically demanding activities. 


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