General Disclaimer
The content on this website is considered Adult content. Individual results may vary. All surgery carries risks. You should seek a second opinion before proceeding. The opinions that are expressed on this website are those of Dr Bernard Beldholm & these opinions may differ from other doctors’ opinions.
The information provided on and through this website is not medical advice and should not be relied on. It is “best efforts” and for general information only. Do not use this website as a substitute for medical advice or self or other diagnosis. Dr Bernard Beldholm & Body Contouring Surgical Clinic Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any error, omission, use of or reliance on the materials provided on the website.
Dr Bernard Beldholm (MED0001186274) M.B.B.S B.Sc (Med) FRACS, FACCSM is a Registered medical practitioner, Specialist surgeon (specialist registration in Surgery – general surgery). FACCSM – Fellow of Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine. https://www.accsm.org.au/

Before and After Disclaimer
Adult content. Individual results vary as the outcomes experienced by one person do not necessarily reflect the outcomes that other people may experience, as results may vary due to many factors, including the individual’s genetics, diet and exercise. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from a qualified health practitioner. Photos & videos featured are not a guarantee that your results will be the same & do not guarantee a particular surgical outcome. Content on our website and social media platforms are published with the consent of our patients. The content featured is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice. Images taken immediately post-operatively may not reflect final results.
The examples, illustrations, blog posts, “Before & After” pictures, predictions, and results shown on this website, and other materials provided by our surgeon, are indicative only, and not a reliable guide or guarantee of patient outcomes. Results vary from individual to individual. Results take time. They can be seen in as little as 6 weeks but the full result will normally take up to 6 to 12 months to be seen. This time may vary considerably between patients. Results are affected by a number of factors, predominantly the nature of the procedure, the patient’s health, and the way in which a patient follows instructions post surgery and the manner in which the patient behaves generally post surgery. Diet and exercise play an important part in the health and well being of a patient and in the maintenance of their body shape. Results will also vary purely based on the general make up of each patient and whether they have had surgery previously.
Please contact Body Contouring Surgery Clinic Pty Ltd for further information about anything on this website, and your individual requirements.
Images are of Body Contouring Surgery Clinic Pty Ltd patients and are for use by Body Contouring Surgery Clinic Pty Ltd only.
Cosmetic Surgery Complications
All surgical procedures have complications. These complications can be minor (such as a small amount of pain or an infection around the incision site), but they can be life-threatening. It is important to consider all your options when deciding whether or not to undergo surgery.
Any surgery procedure, whether it is cosmetic surgery or body contouring surgery or plastic surgery, can have general complications. You will learn about them in brief here to help you better understand the risks.
You may have specific complications based on the type of surgery you are having or considering. For more information, please refer to the article that is specific to your procedure.
You can find this information here: /category/Complications/
There are several general complications that may occur with any type of surgery
Scar Formation
All surgical procedures result in a scar. The scarring will usually start out red and then fade to white, soft, and supple in 12-18 months. Sometimes, abnormal scarring occurs in the deeper tissues of the skin. These can be unsightly and different colours from the surrounding skin. The scars can also be asymmetrical, with a difference in appearance on the left and right sides of the body. Scars can sometimes require surgical treatment or revision. Keloid scars can form in rare cases. They are caused by inflammation of the scar tissue.
During the procedure, antibiotics will be administered. If necessary, they may also be prescribed afterwards. Infections are reduced by this method. Infections can still occur. If this happens, the infection is treated with oral antibiotics or in more severe cases by hospital admission for intravenous antibiotics and additional drainage procedures.
General Complications
The following are some of the general complications that can occur in all types of operations:
- Heart problems
- Small areas of the lung may collapse and increase the risk of chest infections. These problems can be corrected with antibiotics and physical therapy.
- Clots with swelling and pain in the legs. Rarely, a part of a blood clot can break off and travel into the lungs causing deadly complications.
- Allergic reactions to medication
- Injury to deeper structures, including nerves and blood vessels.
- Itching, tenderness or an exaggerated response to cold or hot temperatures. This usually resolves as the wound heals, but in rare cases, it may persist.
- Deep sutures can spontaneously poke out of the skin and become visible or cause irritation that requires removal.
- Wound disruption or wound healing delays – particularly in patients who don’t stop smoking before the operation. Also, necrosis can occur.
You can also find out more about Pain
The first day of postoperative pain can be mild, moderate or severe. The pain gradually decreases in intensity over the following days, and the pain medication prescribed will help. Increased, non-responsive pain should be reported to your surgeon, as it may indicate that complications are developing. As the swelling subsides and nerves heal, it is common to experience intermittent mild discomfort or sharp pains in the first few days after surgery. Chronic pain ranging from mild aching to sharp nerve pain may persist for over a year.
The swelling and bruising
Normal swelling and bruising can occur after surgery, but it varies in severity from patient to patient.
Bleeding or excessive bruises. It is possible that a haematoma will form and require removal by further surgery.
For some operations, drains (tubing), such as drainage tubes, may be needed.