Body Contouring Surgery Clinic in Newcastle & Hunter Valley
Providing comprehensive care for patients seeking weight loss surgery as well as body contouring surgical solutions for patients that have achieved significant weight loss and now require removal of loose skin, Body Contouring Surgery Clinic, BCSC, will guide you through your entire body enhancement journey.
We also treat patients whose bodies have changed due to pregnancy or who have stubborn pockets of fat that they want to get rid of.
Our services
• Full range of weight loss surgery
• Surgery post weight loss for loose skin
• Body contouring surgery for changes post pregnancy
• VASER liposuction for shape & for stubborn pockets of fat

Six Steps to a Better Body & Health
At Body Contouring Surgery Clinic, our specialist surgeons offer personalised care and guidance to each patient who walks through our doors. If you are a candidate for elective surgery, we will walk you through the process from consultation to surgery, recovery and aftercare.
Step 1:
Get a GP referral
Step 2:
Have your consultation
Step 3:
Receive Your Personalised Plan
Step 4:
Schedule Your Surgery
Step 5:
Rest & Recover
Step 6:
See Your Results
Body Contouring Services
Our specialist surgeons (FRACS) offer a full range of body contouring & weight loss procedures that are customised to your needs.
Our services include:

Weight loss surgery
Carrying excessive amounts of weight can lead to an array of health consequences, from medical conditions like diabetes and heart disease to psychological issues like depression and anxiety. However losing weight is an uphill battle for many patients, and sustaining weight loss with diet and exercise can be quite challenging.
The good news is, there are surgical solutions that help obese and overweight patients lose weight after frustrating attempts with diet and exercise have failed. And after losing a significant amount of weight, many of these health issues improve significantly. However, there are other challenges that come with massive weight loss including loose excess skin that causes discomfort and limits daily activity.
BCSC provides comprehensive body contouring services to improve your comfort as well as appearance once you’ve reached your target size. An array of post-weight-loss procedures are available to enhance your smaller frame by removing excess skin and fat and repairing muscle separation for toned, contoured, renewed results. From Brachioplasty (Arm Lift) and Breast Reshaping (Mastopexy) to Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) and Thighplasty, and everything in between, the BCSC suite of body contouring procedures is customised to fit each patient’s needs, goals, and budget.
Two-Pronged Surgical Approach for Weight Loss & Body Contouring Surgery
Weight-loss Surgery
Dr. Manjunath Siddaiah-Subramanya, MBBS, FRACS, MMIS, MSurgEd, one of NSW’s leading Upper Gastrointestinal Specialist Surgeons, offers a wide range of comprehensive treatment options for those seeking upper gastrointestinal surgical weight loss solutions in our Maitland location.

Understanding that each patient’s journey to weight loss is unique, Dr. Manju offers personalised consultations to determine the most effective surgical approach, including procedures such as gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and revisional surgeries for reflux and weight regain following bariatric surgery.
Each procedure is performed with the utmost precision, care, and support, ensuring patients not only achieve their desired weight loss but also maintain it through a comprehensive post-operative care plan.
Gastrointestinal Weight Loss Procedures
- Gastric Bypass
- Sleeve gastrectomy
- Revisional Surgeries

Post-Weight Loss Body Contouring Surgery
BCSC is focused on treating patients whose bodies have changed due to major weight loss following weight-loss surgery. Our body contouring surgery procedures remove excess skin, uplift sagging breasts, treat resistant fat, and repair abdominal muscle separation.

Our team of specialist body contouring surgeons, led by Dr. Bernard Beldholm, is highly respected, experienced, and qualified to perform body contouring surgery post weight loss and post pregnancy.
Body Contouring Services

Body Contouring Surgery for Post Pregnancy Changes
Most of the new mums that come into the clinic after giving birth express their frustration over their bodies not bouncing back to their pre-pregnancy size and shape after various attempts with the latest fad diets and hours in the gym have failed to do the trick. Making matters worse, many celebrities are quick to post their after-baby bodies all over social media looking as good, if not, better than before. This can add to fuel to the feeling-like-a-failure fire, as women wonder why they can’t attain similar results.

The truth is, it’s perfectly healthy and natural for an expectant mum’s body to change during the nine months of pregnancy, with significant changes occurring because the skin and muscles have stretched to support a growing baby. Common concerns include loose skin, perineum soreness, skin changes, sagging mons pubis, stretch marks, separation of the abdominal muscles, weak pelvic floor muscles, and persistent protrusion.

But, these changes have been happening to women since the beginning of time— even to the rich and famous—and there is absolutely no reason to feel anything less than proud for the job you’ve done.
And the good news is, there are solutions. There are a wide range of post-pregnancy body contouring procedures that can help to bring your body back to its before-baby state. From tummy tucks (abdominoplasty,) liposuction, and fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty to a breast lifts (mastopexy,) breast augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty,) and lower body lifts (belt lipectomy,) we perform surgeries with the sole purpose of restoring the body to its pre-pregnancy shape and size every day.
Before considering these surgeries, however, I believe it’s important to take the time to enjoy this precious time bonding with your new baby and breastfeeding, if you choose to do so. It’s critical that you allow your body the time it needs to fully recover on its own and reach and maintain a stable weight.

We welcome new mums to come see me for a consultation to discuss your physical health, personal goals, and areas of concerns. Upon meeting with you in person (or on Zoom, if distance is an issue,) I will be better able to create a customised treatment plan and set up a timeline that works for both of us and is most likely to achieve optimal results.

As a dedicated and compassionate surgeon, with 15 years of experience helping women reach their personal goals, I am committed to providing personalised care with the ultimate goal of achieving the best possible outcome, while always placing your comfort, safety, and health as my number one priority.
Book Your Consultation at Body Contouring Surgery Clinic in Newcastle Today
To learn if Newcastle body contouring surgery is right for you, take the next step and call 1300588494 to book your consultation. Our caring surgeons offer a welcoming environment so you can speak about your issues and goals without fear of judgement.