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The Dangers of Swimming After Brachioplasty Surgery

The Dangers of Swimming After Brachioplasty Surgery After arm lift (Brachioplasty) surgery, swimming in prohibited for three to six weeks or until the incisions are completely healed. Swimming in any type of environment, whether salt water or chlorinated pools, can introduce contaminants that might delay wound healing. Top 3 Dangers…

Abdominoplasty After Weight Loss

Abdominoplasty After Weight Loss Abdominoplasty addresses excess skin and tissue in the abdominal area after significant weight loss. It offers a solution by removing excess skin and fat, tightening the abdominal muscles, and creating a smoother, more toned contour. In recent years, abdominoplasty has gained popularity in Australia, especially for…

How to Sleep After Brachioplasty Surgery

How to Sleep After Brachioplasty Surgery Lying on your back with your arms and head elevated is the sleeping position most surgeons recommend for the first three weeks after arm lift surgery (brachioplasty). This position will reduce swelling, ease inflammation, and lessen the risk of complications during arm lift recovery….

When Will I Feel Normal After an Abdominoplasty Procedure?

When Will I Feel Normal After an Abdominoplasty Procedure? After an abdominoplasty, patients are required to take some time off from work and modify their normal routines to allow the body to recover. Most patients will start feeling back to normal after about six to eight weeks. The recovery period…

Compassionate Release of Superannuation for Brachioplasty Surgery

Compassionate Release of Superannuation for Brachioplasty Surgery Patients needing an arm lift for medical reasons might qualify to have their superannuation fund released early to help pay for brachioplasty surgery if they meet strict criteria. You could qualify for early compassionate release if you are a citizen or permanent resident,…

Abdominoplasty After Bariatric Surgery

Abdominoplasty After Bariatric Surgery Abdominoplasty after bariatric surgery focuses on removing excess skin and tissue resulting from significant weight loss. It reshapes the abdomen by tightening stomach muscles, enhancing the patient’s appearance and health. Besides improving aesthetics, post-bariatric abdominoplasty can also enhance comfort and mobility for patients, allowing them to…

Compartment Syndrome After Brachioplasty Surgery

Compartment Syndrome After Brachioplasty Surgery Acute compartment syndrome is a rare but serious condition that can occur after brachioplasty. Symptoms include severe pain, weakness, pale skin, and an inability to move the affected arm. If you suspect you have compartment syndrome after a surgical procedure such as an upper arm…

Preparing for an Abdominoplasty Consultation

Preparing for an Abdominoplasty Consultation Every abdominoplasty journey begins with a conversation between a surgeon and their patient. When preparing for surgery, it is important for the patient to gather as much information as possible from their surgeon, but it is equally, if not more, essential for the person seeking…

How Soon Can I Drive After Brachioplasty Surgery?

How Soon Can I Drive After Brachioplasty Surgery? Driving after arm lift surgery (brachioplasty) is usually safe at two to three weeks post-op. Patients must arrange a ride home from the hospital and attend all their check-up appointments. Surgical complications may delay the start of driving. You will need a…

Swimsuit Styles Following Abdominoplasty Surgery

Swimsuit Styles Following Abdominoplasty Surgery It can be challenging for post-abdominoplasty patients to find an ideal swimsuit style that fits comfortably and shows off their new silhouette, but conceals any leftover scars. When shopping for swimwear, it is important to consider several important factors, such as body shape, coverage areas,…

This website contains adult content. You must be 18 years or over to read. All surgery carries risks. You should seek a second opinion before proceeding. Results vary from patient to patient. See our disclaimer.
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