The Dangers of Swimming After Brachioplasty Surgery

After arm lift (Brachioplasty) surgery, swimming in prohibited for three to six weeks or until the incisions are completely healed. Swimming in any type of environment, whether salt water or chlorinated pools, can introduce contaminants that might delay wound healing.

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Top 3 Dangers of Swimming After Brachioplasty Surgery

Here is why arm lift patients shouldn’t swim for several weeks after an arm lift procedure.

Swimming increases the chance of a wound infection

Submerging in water can raise the risk of infection after surgery. Even chlorinated water potentially contains bacteria that can invade an open wound. Skin infections not only compromise patient health. They could also make the final arm lift scar look worse than it should. Until the arm lift incision heals, it’s better to stay on dry land.

Hot water can worsen swelling in the arms.

While soaking in a hot tub sounds like a relaxing way to de-stress after surgery, exposure to heat can worsen swelling. The more swelling in the arms, the more discomfort an arm lift patient is likely to experience.

Although swelling is normal after an arm lift, an increase in swelling beyond the usual amount might lead to compartment syndrome. Compartment syndrome is a complication that can permanently affect sensation and mobility if left untreated. Amputation would be the worst-case scenario.

Vigorous swimming can slow the healing process.

Although light exercise promotes healing, strenuous workouts can increase pain and swelling in the first weeks after arm lift surgery. Strenuous physical activity can also cause the incision to re-open, a complication known as wound dehiscence. Intensive water sports, vigorous activity, and heavy lifting should not resume until the surgeon says it is okay.

Disclaimer: Operation performed by Dr Bernard Beldholm. Adult content, surgery has risks; individual results vary, seek 2nd opinion. Please see the full disclaimer.

How long after an arm lift can I swim?

Swimming is a great way to maintain a toned body after surgeries that remove excess skin after massive weight loss. However, it is unsafe to dip in the pool or swim in the ocean immediately after an arm lift. The initial post op recovery period can last three to six weeks. During this time, swimming and hot tubs are off-limits.

Bathing and Showering After an Arm Lift

Arm lift patients are generally advised to take brief showers and avoid submerging the wound for approximately a week after surgery. If the surgeon applies a PICO negative-pressure dressing, the dressing and battery pack cannot get wet. Baths are to be avoided entirely for three to six weeks, or until cleared by the surgeon.

Waterproof Bandages

Water-resistant bandages and waterproofing adhesives are mainly used to protect small wounds from contamination while bathing or swimming. Arm lift patients mustn’t swim or bathe until cleared by their surgeon due to the size and depth of the incision.


Is it safe to swim in chlorinated water after arm lift surgery?

Patients must avoid chlorine pools for several weeks after an arm lift. Chlorinated water is relatively clean but may still contain bacteria that can infect the arm lift wounds. If an infection occurs, it can lead to serious complications and may worsen the final scar appearance.

How long after surgery can you swim in a pool?

Swimming is off-limits until the incision has completely healed. Most surgeons advise against swimming in pools (both salt water and chlorinated pools) for up to 6 weeks after surgery. Hot tub baths must also be avoided for several weeks since heat can make swelling worse after the operation.

Should compression garments be removed when swimming?

You will be wearing compression garments for 4 weeks and then another 2 weeks half time. The compression garments should be off by the time you are allowed to swim. You would normally remove the compression garment before showering or swimming.

How long do you have to wear compression sleeves after brachioplasty?

Most patients wear a compression garment for up to 6 weeks after brachioplasty surgery, although the exact length of time can vary. Always follow the post operative instructions provided by your surgeon.

Why can’t you swim after surgery?

Water contains contaminants that can lead to a post operative infection. This is true even of chlorinated water. After leaving the hospital, you must give swimming a break for up to 6 weeks.

When can I shower after leaving the hospital?

During the first few days, your surgeon will likely instruct you to take quick bird baths and avoid prolonged submersion in water. If you have a PICO wound dressing placed on the incisions, the PICO dressing and battery pack cannot get wet. Patients are usually cleared to have a full shower a week after an arm lift. Remember, each patient is unique. Many factors, like age and health, play roles in individual aftercare planning. Your doctor will tell you when it is safe to shower or bathe as normal.

How soon can I take a bath after an arm lift?

After one week, showers are usually safe, but baths must be avoided until the incision site heals. Bathing in hot water can exacerbate arm swelling and inflammation.

Can I swim 1 month after surgery?

Some surgeons allow their arm lift patients to swim a month after surgery, while others advise waiting 6 weeks. Consult with your surgeon individually, as everybody is different.

When can you submerge an incision after surgery?

It is usually safe to submerge the incision once the stitches have either been removed or dissolved and the wound has healed fully.

Can you go swimming 8 days after surgery?

You should not swim eight days after an arm lift. Going for a swim too soon can delay healing of the wounds and lead to other complications.

Is swimming good for blood circulation?

Swimming can improve blood flow, but must be avoided until the surgical incisions heal.

Can I swim 2 weeks after the stitches are removed?

As long as your surgeon clears you to resume physical activity and the incision sites have completely healed, it should be safe to swim.

Can I wear clothes in the pool to protect my incision?

Wearing clothes won’t prevent bacteria and other contaminants from infecting a healing wound.

Are water aerobics safe after an arm lift procedure?

Although you won’t be allowed to swim for up to six weeks after the procedure, water exercise can be a great way to stay active later in recovery. Swimming is excellent for overall body toning and circulation. Heavy lifting and strenuous exercise must be avoided for a few weeks post op, however.

Can I swim with surgical drains?

Swimming is prohibited with drains since submerging in water can heighten the risk of infection and potentially delay healing. Drain removal usually occurs 24-48 hours after the procedure if drains have been inserted.

Can you swim in a chlorinated pool with stitches?

Chlorine pools are a no-go until the stitches dissolve or are removed by the surgeon. Most arm lift patients have their sutures removed after the first week post operative, although they still must wait the recommended three to six weeks before taking a swim.

How long after surgery can you swim in chlorine?

Swimming in chlorine water is generally safe once the arm lift wound heals, typically three to six weeks after the surgery.

Is arm pain normal while swimming after the procedure?

Many patients experience soreness and aching as they heal from an arm lift. The worst of it is usually over within a week or two. Surgeons often prescribe pain medication to arm lift patients. Once the surgeon allows you to resume swimming, it is important not to overexert yourself until your arms are fully healed. If you experience significant pain while doing any normal activity, take a break and notify your surgeon if the pain or swelling worsens.

How do you waterproof a wound for swimming?

Submerging your body in water should be avoided immediately after an arm lift. To waterproof the incisions, patients can apply a waterproof dressing to the arms after cleansing the area and applying gauze.

How do you keep an incision dry?

Incisions can be kept dry while showering by applying a waterproof bandage. Absorbent materials such as cotton won’t protect the incision from water.

How can I protect my scar when swimming?

Surgical scars typically mature within 12 to 18 months. During this time, be sure to wear sunblock, even on cloudy days. We spoke to Dr Bernard Beldholm, a surgeon who performs arm lifts in NSW. He tells us that sun exposure can worsen the look of post-surgical scars, so it’s important to protect the incision sites until the arm lift scars heal.

Does swimming speed up recovery?

Once cleared to swim, water aerobics are an excellent low-impact exercise for arm lift patients. Physical activity not only keeps the body fit and trim. It also encourages healing by increasing blood flow.

Should you cover stitches for swimming?

Going for a dip in the pool shouldn’t occur until after the surgeon removes the sutures and clears the patient to swim as normal. Always follow your surgeon’s post op instructions, especially regarding incision care.

Can you swim with an incision?

Patients should never swim with an open wound. It’s better to wait until complete healing of the incision occurs. The incision site usually heals within a few weeks after the brachioplasty procedure.

Can I swim while taking pain medication?

If your surgeon prescribed pain medications, read the warning label before taking a swim. Narcotic pain medications can impair motor skills and mental sharpness. Activities such as swimming, driving, or operating heavy equipment are ill-advised until the patient is no longer taking the prescribed pain medication. OTC pain medication usually don’t cause these kinds of side effects.

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