Recovery Process After Brachioplasty Surgery

From waking up from the surgical procedure to going home to heal, this article explains what to expect as you recover from upper arm lift surgery. You will also learn a few recovery tips to ensure the healing and recovery process goes smoothly.

Recovery after Arm Lift Surgery: Disclaimer


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The following is a general guide and does not apply to everyone. Each patient heals differently, and no two arm lift recoveries are exactly alike. While we cannot predict individual differences in healing, this article will give you a sense of what life looks like in the days, weeks, and months after arm lift surgery.

Arm Lift Recovery Timeline

Here is a general overview of what to expect after arm lift surgery.

Right After Waking up from the Procedure


After your surgery, you will wake up in the hospital recovery room feeling groggy. You will have a compression garment wrapped around each upper arm. You may also have drainage tubes. Dr Beldholm will apply a PICO dressing before you wake up from surgery. This is a special wound dressing that applies negative pressure to improve healing.

The upper arm area may have some bruising, significant swelling, and tightness initially. Your hands may feel similar to boxing gloves. Soreness is usually worst on day one. Discomfort should gradually subside over the coming days to weeks but may last longer. Dr Beldholm will prescribe pain medication as appropriate so you feel more comfortable.

Plan to stay at least one night in the hospital. Patients with a lot of excess skin and fat removed during the arm lift surgery may spend additional time in the hospital. Those that had minimal excess skin removed might return home sooner.

Remember to take short walks every few hours to lower the chance of blood clots forming in the legs. Don’t overexert yourself. Other than that, you can rest and relax.



Week 1: Initial Recovery Phase

Once discharged from the hospital, you may return home. You will not be able to drive for one to two weeks after arm lift surgery, so someone will need to drive you. Please have a friend, family member, or aide look after you for at least 24 hours. During the early recovery phase, you will need to return to Dr Beldholm’s office for routine follow-up appointments and must arrange a ride for this.

You will need to ask for help from household members as it will be too difficult to prepare meals, change your shirt, or do laundry on your own. It is imperative to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise at this stage. However, you should get moving every few hours. Continue taking short walks to get your blood flowing.

Your upper arm will still feel quite tender and swollen. Continue taking pain medications as prescribed by your surgeon. It may help to sleep with your arms in elevated position. Bruising is still present and usually takes two weeks to resolve.

During the first seven to nine days after plastic surgery, you’ll need to take quick bird baths instead of a full shower. The PICO dressing and battery pack can’t get wet. Dr Beldholm usually removes the PICO dressing and replaces it with Hypafix tape a week after the operation. Hypafix tape is made of a material that can get wet so you can take full showers as usual.

Weeks 2 to 3: Mid-Recovery Phase

At two weeks to three weeks post-op, most of the bruising and discomfort has tapered off. Bruising should fade significantly. The arms may still be quite swollen and firm, but it should be less severe than it was early into your recovery time. In good news, Dr Beldholm may clear you to resume driving, light exercise, and sedentary job duties. While you have a way to go before making a full recovery, life is starting to feel somewhat back to normal.

Weeks 4 to 12: Final Recovery Phase

Dr Beldholm may clear you for light jogging and increased physical activity at three to four weeks post-op. Unless you’ve experienced a complication, things should be going pretty well by now. Your arms should feel less swollen day by day, although it can take six months to a year for all of the residual swelling to resolve.

Don’t be alarmed if you have occasional shooting pains near the incision site during the first three months; This is usually just the nerves healing. Please remember to attend all your follow-up appointments with Dr Beldholm as scheduled so he can monitor for complications.

Month 6 and Beyond: Seeing Your Results

By now, the underlying tissues have relaxed and are no longer excessively tight. If all goes well, the scar at the surgical incision site should begin to fade, a process that can take up to a year or longer. Most patients find the scar has faded significantly within 12 to 18 months after an arm lift.

Arm Lift Recovery Tips


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Dr Beldholm will provide you with instructions for recovery after an arm lift. Patients that follow these tips have the best chance to heal properly during their recovery time. Here is a quick review of the post-operative instructions:

  • Sleep with your arms elevated (Putting them on your chest or a pillow is adequate)
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet
  • Stay hydrated
  • Maintain good overall health
  • Do not smoke for at least six weeks (smoking is bad for you so ideally, stop completely)
  • Avoid salty foods such as crisps
  • Wear compression garments to reduce swelling
  • Ask family and friends for assistance
  • Do not lift heavy objects and avoid physical exertion
  • Contact your surgeon if you think you are experiencing a complication
  • Take all medications as prescribed
  • Visit your surgeon regularly for follow-up appointments
  • Go for short walks every few hours to increase blood circulation
  • Take care to keep the incision area clean & dry


Will I need to stay overnight in the hospital?

Some surgeons perform arm lifts as an outpatient procedure. Dr Beldholm prefers that his patients spend at least one night in the hospital so they can be closely monitored after arm lift surgery.

How long is the average brachioplasty recovery time?

A complete recovery can take up to 12 months. You will spend one day in the hospital. Dressings will be changed on day 7, after which you can shower. Most patients feel well enough to drive and work within one to two weeks.

How painful is the arm lift recovery period?

Every patients may feel pain differently after arm lift surgery. Some patients may have an easier recovery time than others. Discomfort can range from mild to a moderate pain up to severe depending on the amount of excess skin and fat removed during arm lift surgery as well as your individual pain tolerance. Your surgeon will prescribe post operative pain medication.

What if my pain worsens or my pain meds aren’t working?

Dr Beldholm offers customised pain management plans to ease tenderness, aching, and soreness after an arm lift procedure. Contact him if you have severe discomfort despite taking your prescribed pain medication. He can adjust your medication if needed. If you have sudden increased pain or a sudden increase in post-operative swelling, let him know immediately, as this could indicate a problem.

How long does it take for arm lift scars to fade?

Scarring happens after any cosmetic or plastic surgery procedure. A surgical excision will always leave a scar. You must be willing to trade a permanent scar for toned arms. The arm lift scars fade over the course of a year in most cases. Sometimes the process takes longer. Unfortunately, your surgeon can’t control how quickly the scar matures. Your scar therapy plan may include LED light treatments, silicone strips, topical scar cream & laser genesis.

Why are my arms swollen after arm lift surgery?

Surgery causes trauma to the underlying tissues. Inflammation is usually worst during the first week post-op, and then gradually decreases over the next few weeks to months. As the swelling resolves, you should feel more comfortable with normal arm movement bearing weight again.

Will I need to wear compression sleeves?

Dr Beldholm will ask you to wear a compression bandage on your arms to minimise swelling during brachioplasty recovery. Most patients wear the garment on the upper arms for 24 hours a day for up to a month or more.

Is arm lift surgery safe?

Risks are possible from any surgical procedure. Serious complications are rare in the hands of a highly experienced surgeon. Dr Beldholm has refined his surgical technique over more than 13 years. He only performs cosmetic surgery only in properly licensed hospitals that uphold the highest standards of cleanliness and safety. Always follow your surgeon’s instructions for recovery after an arm lift. Your aftercare instructions are designed to keep you safe.

Are the final results from arm lift surgery permanent?

Future weight gain or weight loss may affect the results. Therefore, patients must maintain a stable weight after the surgical procedure. While arm lift results can last years, the excess fat and sagging skin may return due to ageing or if you don’t watch your diet and exercise.

Is an arm lift worth it?

Many patients will tell you that the plastic surgery procedure is worth it. However, it is virtually impossible for a surgeon to have a 100 percent satisfaction rating.

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