Brachioplasty Procedures: Understanding the Options Available

Sagging skin and excess fat in the upper arms can be addressed with a brachioplasty procedure, also called upper arm lift surgery. If you are confused about the different types of brachioplasty offered, this article will help you understand the options.

What is an Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)?

An arm lift is a body contouring surgery that reshapes the upper arm by removing lax skin and excess fatty tissue. It is typically done after losing weight, which may leave the upper arms with sagging skin.

Types of Arm Lift Surgery

Types of Arm Lift - BCSC


Disclaimer: Adult content, Results vary, seek 2nd opinion, Surgery has risks – See full disclaimer

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When it comes to upper arm lift surgery, there are many different surgical techniques. Before learning about your options, Dr Beldholm will examine your upper arms and determine if you are a candidate for the operation. Using this information, he will develop a custom surgical plan.

Ideal Candidates for Brachioplasty Procedures

Ideal Candidate for Brachioplasty - BCSC


Disclaimer: Adult content, Results vary, seek 2nd opinion, Surgery has risks – See full disclaimer

Excess arm skin is commonly seen in a massive weight loss patient. It can also develop due to ageing and weight fluctuations. Additionally, the upper arms have a tendency to store fat regardless of how big a person is. While these issues are correctible with upper arm lift surgery, not everyone is a candidate.

The ideal cosmetic surgery patient is healthy, does not smoke, is not pregnant or nursing, and has maintained a stable weight for at least six months. Prime candidates have realistic expectations and are in good mental and physical health.

The only way to determine whether you are a candidate for elective cosmetic surgery is to speak with a specialist surgeon. Dr Beldholm has performed arm lifts in Newcastle and surrounding areas for over 12 years.

Consultation for Upper Arm Lift Surgery

During your Newcastle or Sydney arm lift consultation with Dr Beldholm, you will learn if you are a good candidate for surgery and discover your surgical options. He will examine your areas of concern to determine what type of brachioplasty makes sense for you. Dr Beldholm will answer all of your questions and tell you about the possible risks and complications. Finally, you will receive an email price quote outlining the costs.

Different Types of Brachioplasty Surgery

Here are a few of the surgical procedures offered.

Limited Brachioplasty

Mini Brachioplasty


This method is better known as short scar brachioplasty – a technique in which the incision is placed in the armpit. Calling it a scarless upper arm lift is misleading since all surgical procedures leave scars. The scar length is much smaller than a traditional arm lift, but the results are less dramatic. After making an incision in the armpit, Dr Beldholm removes a small wedge of loose skin and subcutaneous tissue. While less invasive that other upper arm lifts, it still requires general anaesthesia.

Traditional Brachioplasty

Standard Brachioplasty


A full upper arm lift usually means removing a long strip of skin from elbow to armpit. Any fatty tissue attached to the skin is removed as well. Upper arm liposuction may accompany the procedure.

The scar placement can vary. Dr Beldholm prefers to place the incision on the inner upper arm so it is less visible when standing with your arms at your sides.

Other surgeons may place the scar on the back of the arms. In Dr Beldholm’s medical opinion, that is not a great option since scarring will be visible, even when your arms are down by your sides.

His goal is to hide the scar as much as possible. However, the arm lift scar with this technique can be significant regardless of where your surgeon places the incision.

Extended Brachioplasty

Extended Brachioplasty


An extended arm lift procedure is similar to traditional brachioplasty, except the incision runs from the elbow to the armpit and onto the lateral chest wall skin. Excess skin and fat are removed from these areas. This technique has the longest scar, but it removes the most skin. Therefore, it is usually only performed on patients after extreme weight loss. Liposuction may be added to further reduce fat on the upper arm area.

Arm Liposuction

Liposuction cannot tighten loose skin. Rather, it surgically removes subcutaneous fat. Dr Beldholm may perform liposuction to reduce fat in the arms if you have stubborn fat and good skin elasticity. If you have excess skin and fat in the upper arms, he may suggest combining liposuction and arm lift surgery into one procedure.

Liposuction as a Standalone Procedure

Liposuction involves breaking apart the fat cells and then removing them with machine-assisted suction. This option is only for patients with firm skin and stubborn arm fat. It won’t remove loose arm skin.

Adding Liposuction to an Arm Lift

This option is for patients with lax arm skin and resistant fat pockets. The arm lift removes loose skin from the upper arms so they are tighter and better contoured. Liposuction helps reshape the arms by surgically removing fat deposits. These procedures can take place at the same time. When combined, the operation is called liposuction-assisted brachioplasty.

What type of liposuction does Dr Beldholm prefer?

There are many liposuction technologies. Dr Beldholm favors VASER liposuction for his arm lift patients. VASER is similar to traditional liposuction, except it uses ultrasound energy to break apart the arm fat rather than aggressively breaking the fat deposits apart with manual force. VASER is gentler on the arm tissues and tends to minimise bleeding and bruising.

Once the fat reaches a liquid consistency, he removes the fat using a liposuction cannula. The cannula (a thin hollow tube) is hooked up to a machine that sucks the fat out, leaving the arms slimmer.

Preparing for Brachioplasty Surgery

Getting prepared for cosmetic surgery is the first step toward a successful recovery. Preparing for the operation may require blood tests, adjusting prescription and over-the-counter medications, and temporarily stopping vitamins and herbal supplements. Patients that smoke must quit the habit well in advance and remain dedicated to a nicotine-free, healthy lifestyle as they heal from the surgical procedure.

What else is important to know about brachioplasty?

Get answers to frequently asked questions about upper arm lift surgery.

How much is Brachioplasty in Sydney?

The typical arm lift (brachioplasty) cost is hard to estimate without first booking an in-person consultation. Generally, most arm lift patients pay around $6,490 or more for the surgeon fee. The hospital and anaesthetist fee are billed separately. Pricing can vary since every surgical plan is unique. Ultimately, the cost depends on the surgical plan, length of hospital stay, and whether the patient is eligible for the arm lift Medicare rebate, which is only for those requiring an arm lift out of true medical necessity.

How long do brachioplasty results last?

Brachioplasty surgery results can last indefinitely so long as the patient maintains a steady weight. An arm lift cannot stop the ageing process or prevent arm fat from returning. Some laxity can return as the years go by.

Is there any way to make arm lift results last longer?

Healthy habits are vital to maintaining results from any body contouring procedure. Patients will need to stick to a regular diet and exercise. Gaining and then dropping a lot of weight may cause poor skin elasticity, fat pockets, and redundant skin folds to return. It is possible for loose skin to return later in life since ageing can diminish skin elasticity over the years.

How painful is brachioplasty surgery?

Dr Beldholm will only perform brachioplasty once you are under general anaesthesia. The operation is painless. Afterward, there can be swelling, bruising, and pain that may require taking prescribed medications.

What is brachioplasty recovery like?

Recovery from upper arm lift surgery varies from patient to patient. The more extensive the amount of excess tissue and skin removal, the longer the downtime. Although there can be some lingering soreness and discomfort, most arm lift patients feel good enough to drive and return to light work duties within two to three weeks.

What are some arm lift recovery tips?

Complications can slow the recovery process. Be sure to follow Dr Beldholm’s aftercare instructions and remember to wear your arm lift compression garment as instructed. Stay hydrated and avoid strenuous exercise until cleared by your surgeon.

Ask family members or friends for assistance around the house. They will also need to drive you to follow-up appointments during the first two to three weeks. Grocery shopping and preparing frozen meals in advance can also make the recovery process a little easier.

What are the side effects of brachioplasty surgery?

Soreness, bruising, pins and needles, and swelling are common side effects that usually resolve after the initial recovery period. The hands can also feel tight and swollen, like boxing gloves, especially during the first week or two after arm lift surgery. Give your body time to heal. If you notice any unusual changes, contact Dr Beldholm immediately. He is dedicated to full wound healing and providing aftercare for the first 12 months after the surgery.

What are some arm lift risks and complications to know?

Removing excess skin from the upper arms carries some risks such as hypertrophic scars, bleeding, wound separation, skin necrosis, pulmonary or respiratory complications, infection, allergic reaction, nerve damage, excess fluid buildup, etc. Having other body contouring procedures performed at the same time can make brachioplasty surgery more risky. Dr Beldholm takes every precaution to perform the surgery as safely as possible.

Who is most at risk for brachioplasty complications?

Surgical complications and risk factors may increase in patients that are smokers, obese, or have medical conditions such as diabetes, heart problems, or breathing issues. Dr. Beldholm may decline performing brachioplasty surgery unless he believes you are healthy enough to undergo the arm lift procedure.

When should I contact my healthcare provider to discuss my arm lift options?

If you are planning to lose a lot of weight or get pregnant in the near future, you may want to hold off on planning your upper arm operation. Brachioplasty is not for those who are significantly overweight, pregnant, or breastfeeding for safety reasons.

Will I need a referral for arm lift surgery?

As of July 2023, patients will need a referral from a GP in order to see a specialist surgeon for services such as arm lift surgery and other excess skin removal procedures. You can discuss this with your GP at any time.

What are some options for funding upper arms lift surgery in Sydney and beyond?

Many patients pay out-of-pocket for arm lift surgery. Individuals with excess skin after weight loss may qualify for a rebate for arm lift surgery through Medicare if they meet strict criteria. You may need private health insurance to receive the maximum back.

Are there any non-surgical arm lift alternatives?

Massive weight loss patients and mature patients with loose arm skin will not be able to achieve a dramatic result with a non-surgical procedure. With that said, people with excess arm fat and good skin elasticity may consider TruSculptID.

What is TruSculpt ID and how does it reduce arm fat?

TruSculptIDis a non-invasive fat reduction procedure that is performed in the office without anaesthesia. TruSculptID heats the fat cells to an optimal temperature that causes the cells to die off. There are no incisions, surgical scars, or downtime. However, it can take several sessions to reduce arm fat, whereas arm liposuction is a one-day procedure. And unlike an arm lift, TruSculpt ID cannot tighten loose arm .

How can I learn more about my brachioplasty options?

Effective 1 July 2023, patients considering an arm lift or other body contouring procedures will need to ask for a referral from their GP in order to speak to a cosmetic surgeon, plastic surgeon, or body contouring specialist.

As a specialist general surgeon that has offered arm lifts for over 13 years, Dr Bernard Beldholm has performed hundreds of brachioplasty procedures. He is knowledgeable of all the different techniques and will be happy to tell you about your options if you are a candidate for surgery.

Dr Beldholm offers arm liposuction and liposuction-based arm lifts. Whether you have loose arm skin, excess arm fat, or both, he can develop a custom surgical plan to improve the upper arm contours.

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