Obtaining Medicare Coverage for Fleur-de-Lis Abdominoplasty Surgery
Obtaining Medicare Coverage for Fleur-de-Lis Abdominoplasty Surgery Medicare will only cover Fleur-de-Lis abdominoplasty if it is a medical necessity. There are two groups qualifying for MBS number: post-pregnancy cases involving muscle separation and related symptoms and post-weight loss cases where the patient records a weight loss exceeding 5 BMI levels…
Compassionate Release of Superannuation for Brachioplasty Surgery
Compassionate Release of Superannuation for Brachioplasty Surgery Patients needing an arm lift for medical reasons might qualify to have their superannuation fund released early to help pay for brachioplasty surgery if they meet strict criteria. You could qualify for early compassionate release if you are a citizen or permanent resident,…
Getting Medicare to Cover Your Abdominoplasty, What are the Rules?
Getting Medicare to Cover Your Abdominoplasty, What are the Rules? Like many other surgical procedures, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) can be expensive to fund. Therefore, most patients turn to Medicare rebates to help fund abdominoplasty and other surgical procedures. However, Australia’s Medicare has strict criteria regarding the coverage of surgical procedures,…
Brachioplasty Cost Considerations
Brachioplasty Cost Considerations Australia arm lifts cost 5000 to 10000 AUD on average. Surgeons charge different rates based on their expertise, location, and the type of arm lift. Anesthetist and hospital fees cost extra. Private health cover and Medicare rebates may reduce out-of-pocket costs. Disclaimer: Operation performed by Dr…