Tag: Brachioplasty Complications

Timing a Brachioplasty (Arm Lift) After Weight Loss

Timing a Brachioplasty (Arm Lift) After Weight Loss After extreme weight loss, patients with sagging skin on their upper arms should wait 12 months for the skin to retract naturally and maintain a stable weight for six months before scheduling their arm lift (Brachioplasty) surgery. Disclaimer: Operation performed by Dr…

Compartment Syndrome After Brachioplasty Surgery

Compartment Syndrome After Brachioplasty Surgery Acute compartment syndrome is a rare but serious condition that can occur after brachioplasty. Symptoms include severe pain, weakness, pale skin, and an inability to move the affected arm. If you suspect you have compartment syndrome after a surgical procedure such as an upper arm…

Preventing, Diagnosing, and Managing Nerve Injury After Brachioplasty Surgery

Preventing, Diagnosing, and Managing Nerve Injury After Brachioplasty Surgery Arm lift surgery can be a reasonably safe procedure, although risks like nerve injury are possible. The most common nerve injury affects the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve since it is found within the dissection plane. Nerve damage during brachioplasty can cause…

Traveling After Arm Lift Surgery [ A Complete Guide ]

Traveling After Arm Lift Surgery [ A Complete Guide ] When it comes to travel after arm lift surgery, the answer is different for everyone. Your surgeon will let you know when it is safe to board a plane or drive long distances. If you have an upcoming work conference…

This website contains adult content. You must be 18 years or over to read. All surgery carries risks. You should seek a second opinion before proceeding. Results vary from patient to patient. See our disclaimer.
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