Excess skin is a common consequence of extreme weight loss following bariatric surgery or dieting. The abdomen is one of the largest areas affected. When lax skin hangs on the abdomen, it can lead to physical discomfort from the skin rubbing, rashes, difficulty wearing clothes, or self-esteem issues. If you want to address these concerns, you will need an experienced body contouring specialist who can help.
Our surgeons at Body Contouring Surgery Clinic have performed thousands of tummy tucks over the years. All tummy tucks are not created equal. If you have loose skin after significant weight loss, one of our specialists may recommend a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck.
This page covers all the information you need to know about having a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck after weight loss, including:
- How weight loss changes the abdomen
- What is a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck?
- Benefits and risks of fleur-de-lis surgery
- Who is a good candidate?
- What happens during the operation
- Fleur-de-lis recovery and aftercare
- What kind of results to expect
- Choosing a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck surgeon

How Weight Loss Affects the Abdomen
Being overweight stretches the abdominal skin to its limit. As the skin stretches, it loses elasticity. Most obese patients don’t notice they have lax skin due to the underlying fat, which acts as padding under the skin. After losing weight, the skin typically appears deflated as the fat layer is no longer present. The skin becomes looser and looser with each kilo lost.
Despite reaching a healthy weight, many patients are upset to see excess skin. The midsection often has a bulky appearance. This can rob the patient of self-esteem as well as cause discomfort, rashes, and chafing. Finding clothes that fit well can feel like an impossible task when you have redundant skin.
Since diet and exercise won’t tighten skin, post-weight-loss patients can either choose to live with the saggy skin or consider a body-shaping procedure such as tummy tuck surgery.
What is a Fleur-de-lis Tummy Tuck?
A fleur-de-lis tummy tuck is a body contouring procedure that removes excess skin and fat on the abdomen. Unlike a traditional tummy tuck, it tightens the lax skin in two directions with a T-shaped incision that resembles a fleur-de-lis, or water lily, symbol. This leaves a vertical and horizontal scar.
Benefits of Fleur-de-lis Abdominoplasty
While a standard tummy tuck has a scar that is typically hidden in the underwear line, the fleur-de-lis scar is not as easy to hide in swimwear. Yet fleur-de-lis surgery offers an advantage since it removes more skin than a traditional tummy tuck. For many patients with extreme skin laxity after weight loss, the tradeoff is usually well worth the added scar.
Other benefits of the fleur-de-lis operation may include:
- Improved self-image
- More confidence during intimacy
- Ability to wear more clothing styles
- A flat abdomen and narrower waistline
- Less friction, discomfort, and skin rashes
- More freedom of movement during exercise
- A reduction in stretch marks on the abdomen
- More willingness to participate in social activities
Fleur-de-lis Tummy Tuck Candidates
Fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty is usually reserved for patients with a significant amount of lax skin on the abdomen after bariatric surgery or dieting. The ideal candidate is a nonsmoker with good overall mental and physical health. Patients considering this life-changing surgery should wait until they are at or close to their ideal weight. They must also maintain their weight for at least six months. Women should not be pregnant or nursing when they have the operation. If you’re considering a tummy tuck, our renowned body contouring surgeons can meet with you and let you know if you are a candidate during a private consultation.
Fleur-de-lis Risks and Complications
All surgery carries risks. Certain health conditions and smoking greatly increase the chance of complications. Our surgeons at Body Contouring Surgery Surgery Clinic carefully screen each patient because patient safety is their top priority. They will also tell you about all the possible risks that can occur, such as:
- Seroma
- Infection
- Mortality
- Blood clots
- Asymmetry
- Haematoma
- Haemorrhage
- Keloid scarring
- Necrotic tissue
- Wound dehiscence
- Pulmonary embolism
- Permanent nerve damage
- Dissatisfaction with results
- Adverse reaction to anaesthesia
Our uniquely qualified specialist surgeons are vetted based on their expertise and credentials. When you see one of our surgeons, you can rest assured they will perform your surgery in the safest manner possible. While complications can arise no matter who handles your surgery, you owe it to yourself to speak to a surgeon with advanced training who knows how to minimise the risk of complications.

The Surgery: What happens during a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck?
Our surgeons at Body Contouring Surgery Clinic perform the surgery while the patient is under general anaesthesia. The operation usually takes three to five hours. Your surgeon will make a vertical and horizontal incision on your abdomen after freeing your umbilicus. The horizontal incision is placed on the lower abdomen from hip to hip. The vertical incision is placed along the abdominal midline.
Your surgeon will trim off the excess skin in both directions. They will also perform abdominal muscle repair if needed. Next, they will close the incisions in layers. Closing the vertical incision creates a narrower waistline. The horizontal closure leaves the abdomen flat and smooth. The surgery finishes by creating a new hole for the navel, which they will artistically suture in place. Bandages and drains will be applied before you wake up in the recovery room.
Fleur-de-lis Tummy Tuck Recovery
An overnight hospital stay is usually required. Some patients spend up to ten days in the hospital. Post-operative discomfort usually peaks in the first 24 to 72 hours. Expect your abdomen to appear swollen and feel extremely tender. Someone must be present to drive you home from the hospital after you’re discharged.
The downtime after a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck is approximately three to six weeks. Walking is encouraged from day one. While walking may be difficult at first, it is essential to reduce the risk of blood clots in the legs which can lead to pulmonary embolism. Walking bent at the waist for the first ten days is advised. By two weeks post-op, most patients can stand fully erect. Avoid heavy lifting and vigorous exercise for six to eight weeks.
Your surgeon may ask you to wear a compression garment for 24 hours a day for a few weeks and then eventually tapering down to 12 hours a day.
Numbness in the abdomen generally resolves in three months but may last longer. There can be occasional brief, shooting pains as the nerves cut during the surgery heal. The scars should flatten and fade over time. Scar maturation takes anywhere from 12 to 18 months. The scars are permanent, but ideally, they blend in with the surrounding skin more with each year that passes.

Fleur-de-lis Tummy Tuck Results
Despite the initial swelling, many patients notice an immediate improvement to their abdomen. The full results are visible by 12 to 18 months post-op. At this point, all the swelling has resolved, and the scars should fade to a fine line. Our surgeons will follow up with you after your surgery to track your progress and ensure everything is healing well.
Interested in seeing the before-and-after fleur-de-lis results for yourself? Call Body Contouring Surgery Clinic to meet with a specialist surgeon today! They can show you real patient photos so you can get an idea of what to expect.
Schedule Your Consultation for a Fleur-de-lis Tummy Tuck with a Surgeon at the Body Contouring Surgery Clinic Today
Every surgeon at Body Contouring Surgery Clinic boasts relevant qualifications, professional memberships, and years of experience in body contouring. They have helped thousands of post-weight loss patients get the flat, toned tummy they deserve. If you have excess skin after weight loss, call 1300588494 now to see if a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck is right for you.
Fleur-de-lis Tummy Tuck FAQs
Maintaining your weight and committing to a healthy lifestyle is the best way to prolong your tummy tuck results.
The operation leaves two scars on the abdomen. The scar looks like an inverted T. The scars are generally well-hidden in most styles of clothing. When planning your surgery, our surgeons will place markings on the abdomen so you will be able to see where they are planning to make the incisions.
The scar may appear bumpy at first, but it should become flatter and more refined after a few weeks. It takes 12 to 18 months for the scar redness to go away. Your surgeon may recommend silicone sheets, scar gel, or laser treatments to improve scar redness and texture.
Most patients feel comfortable enough to drive by three to four weeks post-op.
Most patients return to work two to four weeks after a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck. Workers with physically demanding careers may need additional time off.
Our surgeons also offer liposuction to complement the results of your tummy tuck. Liposuction involves extracting fat through a cannula, which sculpts and defines the abdominal contours. Some medical literature suggests that modern liposuction technology such as VASER can minimise bleeding and aid in tissue dissection during the operation.