Category: General Information

Who can say they are a surgeon in Australia?

Who can say they are a surgeon in Australia? Parliament passes a new bill protecting the title ‘surgeon’ in The Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Surgeons) Amendment Act 2023 In the hands of an unskilled doctor, surgery can cause serious harm to patients, including disfigurement and death. After learning of…

Cracking Down on Cosmetic Surgery: New Medical Board Regulations in Australia Come into Effect on 1 July 2023

Cracking Down on Cosmetic Surgery: New Medical Board Regulations in Australia Come into Effect on 1 July 2023 Cosmetic surgery advertising in Australia is already tightly regulated, but the regulations are about to get stricter in the wake of recent scandals that have shaken up the industry. Starting 1 July…

Post weight loss, body contouring: Is my operation covered?

Post weight loss, body contouring: Is my operation covered? Let’s be honest, surgery can be a costly, if sometimes imperative, investment following considerable weight loss. Consequently, one of the first things many of our clients want to know is: does my health insurance cover this procedure The simplest answer is…

This website contains adult content. You must be 18 years or over to read. All surgery carries risks. You should seek a second opinion before proceeding. Results vary from patient to patient. See our disclaimer.
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