Top 7 Alternatives to Brachioplasty (arm lift) Surgery

Lax arm skin and excess fat can be improved with arm lift surgery. Yet surgery is not the only option. There are many ways to shrink the upper arms, and many don’t require going under the knife. Here are some possible alternatives to brachioplasty surgery and what each can do.

Pros and Cons of Arm Lift Alternatives

Infographic: Pros and Cons of Arm Lift Alternatives

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1. BodyTite as an alternative to Brachioplasty

7 Alternatives to Brachioplasty - BodyTite Probe

BodyTite probe

BodyTite is a moderately invasive procedure used to reduce fat and tighten skin. The device emits radiofrequency energy to heat the upper arm tissues to 65 degrees Celsius, melting fat and causing the tissues to contract. This device only works on mild-to-moderate excess skin and fatty tissue. Despite a few tiny incisions, BodyTite can be performed with local anaesthesia. Expect some bruising, swelling, and soreness for several weeks before appreciating the results.

What it does: Tightens skin and reduces fat

Level of invasiveness: 2/5

2. Renuvion as an alternative to Brachioplasty

Renuvion| Skin tightening

Renuvion | Skin tightening

Similar to BodyTite, Renuvion uses thermal energy to shrink saggy skin and coagulate subdermal tissue. Through small incisions, the device is guided under to skin where it emits radiofrequency and helium plasma to heat the tissues up to 85 degrees Celsius. While the benefits are similar to BodyTite, some patients prefer Renuvion because the procedure takes less time and the results are comparable. Bruising, swelling and discomfort in the upper arms can last a few weeks. Some skin tightening is visible immediately, but it can take six to 12 months to appreciate the full results.

What it does: Tightens skin and reduces fat

Level of invasiveness: 2/5

3. Laser-assisted Liposuction as an alternative to Brachioplasty

Procedure Laser Liposuction

Procedure Laser Liposuction

Laser arm lift procedures are sometimes called a scarless arm lift, although that name is a bit misleading. It requires a few tiny incisions. Any incision will leave a scar, no matter how small. Like conventional liposuction, laser liposuction reduces arm fat and may take place under local anaesthesia. The difference is laser liposuction utilises laser energy to help the skin contract. Is laser lipo too good to be true? Perhaps. While great at reducing fat, it can only tighten saggy arm skin slightly. Bariatric patients with hanging skin on the back of the arms will see a better result with an arm lift procedure.

What it does: Surgically reduces fat and minimally tightens skin

Level of invasiveness: 3/5

4. VASER Liposculpture as an alternative to Brachioplasty

VASER Liposuction - Body Contouring Surgery Clinic Pty Ltd

VASER Liposuction – Body Contouring Surgery Clinic Pty Ltd

VASER liposuction is a next-generation device that breaks down and extracts fat using a hollow vacuum tube. The difference between VASER and regular liposuction is that the VASER probe applies acoustic waves to melt fat in the arms. While it won’t tighten skin, Dr Beldholm strongly prefers it over laser liposuction since the VASER probe can get ultra close to the fat at the skin surface with less chance of rippling. VASER is also less aggressive than standard liposuction and typically causes less bleeding and bruising. It won’t tighten saggy upper arms, but many surgeons consider it the ‘gold standard’ of liposuction as it is excellent at removing stubborn fat tissues.

What it does: Surgically reduces fat

Level of invasiveness: 3/5

5. CoolSculpting as an alternative to Brachioplasty

CoolSculpting (cryolipolysis) is fat freezing technology at its finest. It only targets fat and won’t tighten skin. While some people admit it’s painful, the procedure doesn’t require anaesthesia and there is minimal downtime. There are also no incisions, which means no scarring. Discomfort, swelling, bruising, and skin colour changes are the most common side effects. These issues are usually mild, and many patients are back to work the next day. However, you may need to wear compression sleeves to reduce swelling afterwards. Expect multiple appointments over several months for optimal results.

What it does: Reduces fat without surgery

Level of invasiveness: 1/5

6. TruSculpt ID as an alternative to Brachioplasty

truSculpt iD Fat Reduction

truSculpt iD Fat Reduction

We know icy cold can destroy fat, but what about heat? Non-invasive TruSculpt ID is an in-office procedure that warms the fat cells until they die off. Since it is fat selective, it won’t damage the skin or deeper structures. It targets fat, and fat only. When performed on the arms, the procedure is comfortable without any numbing agent. A 15-minute session can reduce arm fat by up to 24 percent. No incisions, no scars, comfortable treatments, what’s not to love? Like fat freezing, TruSculpt ID won’t tighten loose arm skin. Repeat sessions may be needed, and it can take three months for the body to flush out the dead fat cells. You’ll need to give it time before seeing your final results.

What it does: Reduces fat without surgery

Level of invasiveness: 1/5

7. Diet and Exercise as an alternative to Brachioplasty

Staying fit is the natural way to lose upper arm fat. Yet many people struggle with weight gain. It’s possible to make bulky arms thinner without resorting to a cosmetic procedure if you’re willing to make healthy lifestyle changes. Losing fat in the arms isn’t always easy, but exercise, a balanced diet, and watching your calorie intake can make a difference.

Consider starting with cardio to get your endurance up. Then you can move on to strength building exercises and arm toning exercises. Light weight lifting is a great way to build muscle mass while losing arm fat.

Exercise and healthy eating won’t tighten sagging skin. In fact, losing a significant amount of weight can sometimes leave extra skin behind. In these cases, a tissue tightening procedure such as a brachioplasty may be necessary.

What it does: Reduces fat and build muscle

Level of invasiveness: 0/5

Grading Scale for Level of Invasiveness

Grading Scale for Level of Invasiveness

Level of Invasiveness Infographic

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Each procedure above has been assigned a ‘level of invasiveness’. The grading scale of 1-5 is as follows:

  • 0/5: Not invasive at all
  • 1/5: No incisions required; Works over the skin
  • 2/5: Requires a small incision
  • 3/5: Requires tiny incisions and more aggressively treats the underlying tissues
  • 4/5: Minor-to-moderate surgery (not affecting the organs)
  • 5/5: Major surgery (like a heart operation or brain surgery)

Pros of Arm Lift Alternatives

Minimally invasive procedures have unlocked a world of new options for patients hoping to reduce excess fat and improve mild skin laxity. Here are some of the advantages.

It costs less than arm lift surgery

If you have unwanted fat cells or minimal excess skin, then a non invasive alternative to arm lift surgery could be an option. It could save a lot of money as well. The traditional arm lift surgery cost can be pricey. Surgeon fees often starts around $6,490 and up. Then there are anaesthesia fees and hospital charges. People that choose non surgical arm lift alternatives won’t pay nearly as much.

It may be less risky than arm lift surgery

While all non surgical procedures carry risks, they are less risky than open surgery. Non invasive fat removal procedures do not involve cutting into the skin. That means there is less risk of damaging surrounding nerves and blood vessels. Options like Renuvion and BodyTite do require cutting into the skin, but the tiny incision is much smaller than an arm lift scar. Because they are less invasive, fewer serious complications can occur.

There is less swelling after the procedure

There is usually less swelling after non surgical and minimally invasive services compared to brachioplasty surgery. After an arm lift, it can take six to 12 months for all the swelling to go down. Some swelling is normal after arm lift alternatives, but it pales in comparison to the swelling after arm lift surgery. Usually, the swelling from skin tightening procedures and non invasive fat reduction is gone within a few days to weeks. Your provider may have you wear a compression garment to help the swelling resolve quicker.

There is little-to-no recovery period

Speaking of what to expect in recovery, non surgical skin tightening or fat reduction procedures have minimal downtime. You may need to take a break from exercise and alcohol, but most patients only take a few days off of work. Downtime can vary, so be sure to ask your provider what to expect. Meanwhile, arm lift surgery has a lengthy recovery time. It can take up to three weeks to resume normal activities like driving and going to work, and up to three months to feel “normal”.

There is no need for general anaesthesia

While there can be some discomfort during a non surgical procedure, it is usually managed with topical anaesthetic or local anesthesia. Arm lift surgery requires general anesthesia. Not everyone is a good candidate for general anaesthesia due to medical issues. If you can’t withstand general anaesthesia, non surgical alternatives to brachioplasty might be your only option.

There is minimal scarring, if any at all

Arm lift surgery leaves a long scar. Most arm lift patients are willing to trade a scar for toned arms, especially if they have extreme sagging arm skin after weight loss. However, for those with minor excess skin and fat, in-office procedures may be a better option. Scarring, if any, is minimal.

Cons of Arm Lift Alternatives

So why do some people choose a surgical arm lift if it’s possible to use heat energy, freezing temps, and lasers to improve skin elasticity, increase collagen production, or remove stubborn fat pockets? There are many reasons.

The results aren’t as dramatic as arm lift surgery

Surgical procedures remove way more loose skin and fat than a non surgical treatment. Sure, arm lifts cost more than non surgical alternatives. However, the results are usually far more dramatic than what alternatives can achieve. A patient with extra skin that hangs from the upper arms after significant weight loss likely won’t be a candidate for non surgical body contouring since it won’t tighten the skin enough.

Multiple treatments are needed

Arm lift surgery is usually a once-in-a-lifetime event. Meanwhile, in-office skin tightening and fat reduction procedures may require more than one session. Visiting the doctor’s office or medical spa every few weeks to months can be difficult if you have a busy lifestyle or travel often.

It can take months to start seeing results

Non surgical procedures take time to start working. The results aren’t instant. For example, if you’re considering TruSculpt or fat freezing in Newcastle, it will take up to 12 weeks for the fat cells to die off in the treated area. Then, additional treatments will be needed to get rid of the remaining fat. The outcome is gradual and the process can be a slow one.

Is an arm lift or alternative right for me?

Dr Bernard Beldholm can tell you if you are a candidate for arm lift surgery or an alternative during a private consultation. He is always honest with his patients and never pushes them into changing their looks. He will only recommend a procedure if you are a good candidate and truly feel ready to enhance your appearance. While he does not offer all of the services mentioned in this article, he has an array of state-of-the-art options to help you reach your goals. Call his office or book online to learn more.

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