Compassionate Release of Superannuation for Brachioplasty Surgery

Patients needing an arm lift for medical reasons might qualify to have their superannuation fund released early to help pay for brachioplasty surgery if they meet strict criteria. You could qualify for early compassionate release if you are a citizen or permanent resident, have chronic pain, have no other way to pay for the operation, and can provide the required evidence. This article explains the rules to qualify, the evidence needed, and how to apply for early super release on compassionate grounds.

What is a superannuation fund?

Superannuation funds, also called a superfund or super, is an asset that funds your retirement. The super is generally accessible upon reaching the preservation age. The preservation age is generally between ages 55 to 60, depending on the year the person was born.

Can I access my superannuation fund early?

It’s possible to access a superfund early in rare cases. Known as the compassionate release of super, some Australians may qualify to use the money to cover expenses from severe financial hardship and certain medical conditions. Many rules and stipulations govern this, so not everyone qualifies.

Can I use my superfund to cover the cost of arm lift surgery?

Patients looking to remove loose skin on their arms for cosmetic reasons won’t qualify for early super release. However, people need an arm lift out of true medical necessity may qualify for early release if they meet all the criteria below.

Criteria 1 – The patient experiences acute or chronic pain related to their condition.

Some patients undergo an arm lift for cosmetic purposes. Yet there are times when an arm lift procedure may be necessary for acute or chronic medical reasons. Excess skin on the upper arms can sometimes cause chronic pain, such as chafing or rashes from excess skin rubbing together. Any wound infection that forms as a result can be painful. These issues are common after significant weight loss, which leaves sagging skin on the upper arm area. Arm lift surgery will remove the excess skin so it doesn’t rub together anymore. To qualify for early compassionate release for arm lift surgery, the pain must be chronic.

Criteria 2 – The medical treatment isn’t readily available on the public health system.

Arm lift surgery is a highly specialised procedure. It is generally unavailable through the public healthcare system; instead, a specialist surgeon performs the operation in a Private Hospital.

Here is what arm lift patients must know before applying for early super release

  1. You must apply before having surgery. Eligible arm lift patients should apply for early compassionate release before going under the knife. Early release of funds is never guaranteed, so it’s ideal to get a yes or no before booking the operation.
  2. It can take weeks to get approved. Getting approved for an early super release isn’t an overnight process. After submitting all the forms and documentation, the agency will review it and make a decision. Getting an approval or rejection letter takes an average two weeks. The superfund will then need to approve you and release the funds, which can take time.
  3. Every superfund works differently. Some supers allow early release for compassionate reasons, while others might not. Likewise, each super has different rules limiting the amount of money that can be withdrawn early. The goods news is it’s possible to switch to another super if necessary.
  4. You must have sufficient funds in your account. Your super must have enough funds to cover the expense and corresponding tax withholding amount, which is generally 32 percent or less of the amount withdrawn.
  5. Fees may apply, depending on the super. There may be fees for withdrawing from your super early . Contact your superfund directly to ask, as each one is different.
  6. There are financial consequences to consider. Accessing your super early means losing some or all of an asset that is protected from creditors and bankruptcy. It could mean potentially losing insurance benefits or making higher child support payments. Withdrawing funds early also means less money to rely on when you retire. There are tax repercussions to consider as well. It’s a good idea to talk to a financial counsellor or call the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007 before applying.
  7. The funds released may be used for you or a qualifying dependent. Be sure to specify in the application who it’s for.
  8. You must be a citizen or permanent resident of either Australia or New Zealand. Temporary residents are ineligible for early super compassionate release.

How to Apply for Early Compassionate Release of Your Super

Applying for early compassionate release is a three-step process.

Step 1 – Visit Your Superfund’s Website

Each super is different and has its own set of rules. Visit your superfund’s official website to ensure they allow early super release and get information about any fees or limitations that apply. If your super doesn’t allow early release on compassionate grounds, you may be able to switch to a fund that does.

Step 2 – Apply to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

Next, you’ll need to apply for early compassionate release on the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website.

First, gather your evidence.

Before applying to the ATO, visit your GP and have them complete a medical report. They should document any acute or chronic physical pain related to the excess skin on your arms, if applicable.

Next, schedule a consultation with the specialist surgeon that you’d like to perform your arm lift. The surgeon will examine you and tell you if arm lift surgery is appropriate. Be sure to ask your surgeon for a price quote. The price quote must be itemised and on the surgeon’s letterhead.

Both your GP and specialist surgeon will need to fill out a form that will be submitted to the ATO along with your application. The compassionate release forms are available on the ATO website. Login to your MyGov account, then select ‘Super’  — ‘Manage’  — ‘Compassionate Release of Super’.

Next, submit your application and evidence to the ATO.

You will start the online application by logging into your MyGov account. You will need to fill out the online form and upload all your supporting documents. Applications lacking the required evidence may be rejected or delayed.

Rules for Submitting Evidence
  • Be sure to include the following supporting documents with your application:
    • A copy of medical reports from both your surgeon and GP that validate the claims you are making about your qualifying health condition.
    • A copy of itemised price quote(s) from your surgeon relating to your arm lift surgical procedure.
    • Your GP and specialist surgeon will also need to submit the appropriate forms, available on the ATO website.
  • Price quotes and medical reports must be on the medical provider’s letterhead. They must be dated, include the provider’s contact details, and any dollar amounts must be converted to AUD, not a foreign currency. The exchange rate is based on the current rate at the time you apply. The quote must be dated within six months before applying to the ATO for early super release.
  • You can submit photos as evidence, but do not include any photos of a disturbing nature.
  • If you are submitting a paper application, only provide copies of your supporting documents. Do not submit original documents as you won’t get them back.
  • If you submit an online application, digital copies and photos of your supporting documents are acceptable. File formats accepted include PDF, png, jpg, and jpeg. Do not submit screenshots.
  • All documents submitted must be in English. Use a registered translator if necessary.
  • If the funds are going toward a dependent’s arm lift procedure, you’ll also need to submit evidence to prove the person is your dependent.

Finally, you will receive an approval/rejection letter.

It takes up to two weeks (on average) for the ATO to process applications. During this time, the ATO may reach out to you or your medical providers to confirm your claims if necessary. They might also ask for additional supporting evidence. You can speed the process up by ensuring you submit all the required documents/evidence when you initially apply. The ATO will send a notice to your MyGov inbox to let you know if your application is approved or denied.

Step 3 – Contact Your Superfund to Get the Funds Release

After your ATO application is approved, you will need to contact your superfund to get the money released. You will need to submit a copy of your ATO approval letter. Supers generally release the funds as a lump sum payment, with taxes automatically deducted. Every super is different, and the time it takes to have the funds released varies. Remember, not all supers allow early release on compassionate grounds. Limitations and fees may apply.

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Will I be taxed on funds withdrawn early from my superfund?

Yes. The amount of super withdrawn early is taxed like a normal super lump sum. (Ref 1)

If I apply for compassionate release online, can I submit photos of my supporting documents?

For online ATO applications, digital copies and photos of original documents are accepted. Screenshots are not accepted.

What file formats are accepted for online attachments?

The ATO supports file formats for document uploads in the form of PDF, gif, jpeg, and png. Supporting documents cannot be submitted via email or text message. Screenshots are not accepted, but photos of documents and digital copies are accepted.

Is there a limit to how many supporting documents I can submit?

The ATO’s online application system will accept no more than 20 attachments at 10 MB per attachment.

What happens if the ATO denies my early super release on compassionate grounds?

You will have 14 days to appeal their decision.

Who is a good candidate for an arm lift procedure?

If you are interested in removing sagging skin and fat deposits on your upper arm after losing weight, speak to a qualified specialist surgeon. They will evaluate you and create a treatment plan, which may include a surgical procedure such as an arm lift.

Arm lift (brachioplasty surgery) patients should reach a healthy weight and be in good physical health before the surgery. They should also maintain a stable weight for six months or longer prior to the operation. Smokers and pregnant women are ineligible. Your surgeon will tell you about other limitations and risks.

How does weight loss affect upper arm skin elasticity?

Gaining weight causes the skin to stretch. As this happens, the skin becomes less elastic. If a patient loses extreme weight through bariatric surgery or dieting, the skin on the upper arms and other areas like the tummy might look deflated once the underlying fat is gone. A surgical procedure like an arm lift will remove the excess skin and remaining fat.

Will an arm lift remove excess fat on the upper arms?

Arm lift surgery removes loose skin and excess fat deposits from the upper arm. Some surgeons add liposuction to the procedure to better define the upper arms. We spoke to specialist surgeon Dr Bernard Beldholm, FRACS in Newcastle. He says he often adds VASER liposuction to arm lift procedures to remove excess fat, make his dissection easier, and lessen the risk of excessive bleeding and bruising.

What is the medical term for arm lift surgery?

Brachioplasty surgery is the proper term for an arm lift. It refers to the brachia, or arms.

Can exercise tighten loose skin on the upper arm?

Exercise won’t fix saggy upper arm skin, although it can improve muscle tone and reduce excess fat. After extreme weight loss, removing excess skin may only be possible through a surgical procedure. If you have lax skin on your upper arm after losing weight, a specialist surgeon can tell you if arm contouring services like an arm lift or liposuction are an option for you. For optimal desired results, surgeons should encourage patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle through exercise and a balanced diet. This will help to prevent fat from returning and keep the arms fit and sleek after the procedure.

Are arm lifts safe?

Brachioplasty surgery is not a risk-free procedure. Rare but possible complications during arm lift recovery may include an infection, a heart attack from general anaesthetic, a painful healing process, excess fluid accumulation, wound separation, excessive bleeding, prolonged swelling, numbness, deep vein thrombosis, etc.

It is important to be in good health before the procedure. Potential complications are more likely in patients with pre existing medical conditions. Your surgeon should evaluate your health carefully during the initial consultation to help you decide if the benefits of the operation outweigh the possible risks.

It’s also crucial to follow your surgeon’s aftercare instructions. For example, patients must avoid smoking, heavy lifting, and strenuous exercise for several weeks. They should also wear a compression garment to aid healing.

