Brachioplasty vs Liposuction for Arm Contouring

Liposuction and arm lift surgery often go hand in hand. However, these are two very different procedures. Deciding whether you need arm liposuction, an arm lift, or both can be tricky if you aren’t familiar with what each one does.

In this article, Dr Bernard Beldholm, FRACS, explains the difference between liposuction and arm lifts and what kind of results to expect with each. He will also help you understand who is a candidate for these procedures and when it may be appropriate to perform liposuction, an arm lift and liposuction at the same time.

You’ll also learn about VASER liposuction, and why it is his favourite type of liposuction for arm contouring.

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What is the difference between arm liposuction and arm lift surgery?

Brachioplasty surgery

An arm lift (brachioplasty) is a skin removal surgery that removes excess skin from the upper arms. While some subcutaneous fat is removed as the skin is resected, liposuction is often added to the procedure for more precise fat reduction.

Arm liposuction is a surgical procedure that reshapes the arms by removing excess fat. While there have been advancements in liposuction technology, liposuction devices do not tighten lax skin.

In summary, liposuction can remove excess arm fat but it cannot tighten skin much, if at all. An arm lift tightens saggy skin on the upper arms and may remove some fat. Patients with both sagging skin and arm fat may benefit from an arm lift and liposuction combined.

It’s important to note that Dr Beldholm cannot provide medical advice without seeing you in person. Not everyone is a good candidate for body contouring surgery. You will need to book a consultation to see if you are eligible. If you are a candidate, he will create a customised surgical plan for you and let you know the next steps.

Arm liposuction vs arm lift surgery – Which is right for me?

Types of Arm Lift - BCSC

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The answer to that question depends on your aesthetic concerns.

If you have sagging skin on your upper arms, you may consider an arm lift, which removes excess loose skin, to make the arms appear tighter and firmer. If your skin is nice and tight, but you have excess fat in your upper arms, you may be a better candidate for liposuction. These procedures can also be combined into one operation, depending on your goals and presentation.

The surefire way to find out is by booking a consultation with a specialist surgeon that focuses on body contouring surgery. During your appointment, Dr Beldholm will examine your arms, ask about your goals, and make a personalised recommendation.

Who is a good candidate for arm lift surgery?

Patients with excess loose skin and fat due to weight loss, bariatric surgery, ageing, or heredity may be eligible for an arm lift so long as they are healthy enough to undergo cosmetic surgery. You must not be pregnant, nursing, or a smoker.

Who is a good candidate for arm liposuction?

Some patients have firm upper arm skin, but are bothered by fat deposits. If you are a healthy weight and still have excess arm fat, Dr Beldholm may recommend liposuction to shape the arms and reduce fat. Liposuction is purely a fat removal procedure. It won’t tighten sagging skin like an arm lift can.

Arm Lift vs Arm Liposuction – or a combination?

Patients with sagging upper arm skin and excess fat may be eligible for a combined procedure known as liposuction-assisted brachioplasty. This essentially means performing an arm lift and liposuction at the same time.

Dr Beldholm’s Technique: VASER-assisted Brachioplasty

How VASER Liposculpture works - BCSC

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Dr Bernard Beldhom has been performing upper arm lift surgery for over 13 years. In his experience, he has found that liposuction-assisted arm lifts provide an optimal result. But not any liposuction will do. He prefers VASER liposuction.

VASER works similar to traditional liposuction. The difference is the VASER cannula liquefies the fat cells using ultrasound waves. Once the fat is melted, Dr Beldholm removes it through a liposuction cannula. The process tends to be gentler on the body and may cause less bruising and bleeding than standard lipo.


Will liposuction tighten saggy skin?

Liposuction cannot tighten excess skin as much as an arm lift can. In fact, when a large amount of excessive fat is removed with liposuction, some patients may end up with loose skin if they had poor skin elasticity to begin with.

Is exercise a possible substitute for brachioplasty surgery?

Exercise cannot tighten loose skin. However, working out regularly can reduce excess fat in the arms. The bottom line is patients with loose upper arm skin (whether it’s due to ageing, massive weight loss, or genetics) may need arm lift surgery to remove the excess skin.

How soon can I resume normal activities after an arm lift or arm liposuction?

Most patients feel well enough to return to work and driving one to two weeks after upper arm lift surgery. It can take three to four weeks to resume most of your regular daily activities. Arm liposuction usually has a shorter downtime, but you will still need to follow your surgeon’s aftercare instructions closely to ensure proper healing. If you have a complication, your downtime may last longer.

Will there be scarring after an arm lift?

Arm lifts always leave a scar since there is a skin incision. The mini arm lift has the shortest scar of all. A full arm lift usually has long incision lines on the back or inside of the arms. Extended arm lifts, which remove the most excess tissue, have an elongated scar on the upper arms that continues down onto the sides of the chest.

Dr Beldholm will let you know what kind of scarring to expect before your surgery takes place. He will show you the incision site again right before your operation. He will also tell you how to care for the scar so it heals as nicely as possible after body contouring procedures.

Is there scarring after arm liposuction?

Arm lipo scars are usually small since the surgeon only has to make tiny incisions. They may be as small as the head of a pencil eraser once healed. Liposuction scarring is much less significant than arm lift surgery scars.

Surgical scars are most visible during the first few weeks as the incision heals. It can take a year or more for the scars to fade. Visible scars may remain, but the scar should ideally become flatter and lighter in colour over time.

How do I maintain my arm liposuction results?

A healthy lifestyle, including exercise and a healthy diet, is important after any cosmetic surgery. You will need to maintain a stable weight since excess skin and fat can return if you gain and lose weight. Brachioplasty also won’t put a stop to the ageing process. Your skin elasticity may decrease later in life as you get older. This can affect the arm contour over time.

Is an arm lift considered cosmetic surgery?

Cosmetic surgery refers to procedures that are done for aesthetic reasons. An arm lift can certainly improve the appearance of the upper arms. If your goal is to look better, then your surgery will be considered a cosmetic surgical procedure only.

Sometimes, arm lifts are done for functional reasons. For example, significant weight loss patients often have to remove excess fat or skin folds that cause rashes and physical discomfort. An arm lift might be considered plastic surgery or reconstructive surgery rather than cosmetic surgery if it is done for a medically necessary purpose. In these cases, private health insurance rebates may cover a portion of the cost.

Can you gain weight after liposuction?

Liposuction can reduce excess fat, but it won’t stop you from gaining or losing weight in the future. You’ll need to maintain a healthy weight after liposuction to keep up your results.

Will I need to wear drains or a compression garment after arm lift surgery?

Drains are usually not necessary for brachioplasty surgery. However, Dr Beldholm may sometimes insert drain tubes into your arms to drain excess fluid. He usually removes the drains a day or two after the operation. He will also ask you to wear a compression garment on your arms for a few weeks. The compression garment pressurises the wound and helps the upper arm area heal.

Is bleeding normal after brachioplasty surgery?

Pinpoint bleeding and a small amount of fluid seepage is usually nothing to worry about, but if you have a concern you should contact Dr Beldholm immediately. Dr Beldholm takes extra time to cauterise each of the blood vessels during the operation to reduce bleeding. Excessive bleeding could mean a problem with one of the blood vessels opening up.

What are some possible complications of arm lifts and liposuction?

Wound separation, bleeding, bruising, fluid accumulation, blood clots, or a heart attack from general anaesthetic are just some of the possible risks your surgeon may discuss with you. Having other procedures at the same time may increase the chance of complications.

It is important to choose an experienced surgeon that focuses on body contouring procedures, such as Dr Beldholm.

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