When the upper arms have a bulky, wide appearance, it can be difficult to wear certain styles of clothing and feel good in your skin. In severe cases, loose arm skin can hinder mobility and cause rashes, rubbing, and discomfort.
If you want to reduce arm skin and fat, our specialist surgeons at Body Contouring Surgery Clinic can perform arm lift surgery (Brachioplasty). In addition to trimming off the loose skin, we also perform arm liposuction using VASER technology for a more refined result.
This page covers everything you need to know about arm lift surgery, including:
- What is an arm lift (Brachioplasty)?
- Can I have an arm lift and liposuction?
- What are the benefits of slimmer arms?
- Who is a good candidate for the surgery?
- Are there different types of arm lifts?
- Is the surgery risky?
- What happens during the arm lift operation?
- What is recovery like?
- What kind of results can I expect?
- How do I choose an arm lift surgeon?
- Answers to frequently asked questions about arm lifts
What is Brachioplasty Surgery?
Brachioplasty, or arm lift surgery, is a body contouring procedure that removes fat and excess skin from elbow to armpit. It is commonly done on patients who have saggy arms due to ageing or weight loss. After cutting away the skin and fat, your surgeon will close the incision, leaving your upper arms nicely toned and slimmer in appearance.
Arm Lift with Liposuction
During a standard arm lift, a surgeon cuts off the redundant skin and any fat that is attached to it. However, we have found that many patients get an even better result when they combine an arm lift and liposuction. VASER liposuction is our preferred liposuction method.
Top Six Advantages of Liposuction-based Arm Lifts:
- Shapelier arms
- Less bruising in recovery
- More precise fat reduction
- Greater visibility of the musculature
- Less blood loss during the operation
- Dissects the tissues so it is easier to remove the lax skin

Benefits of Arm Lift Surgery
After an arm lift, our patients have reported benefits such as:
- Slim, toned arms
- Increased visibility of the arm muscles
- Less friction and discomfort during exercise
- Less rashed
- Less discomfort
Brachioplasty Candidates
Many people develop loose skin in the upper arms due to ageing, genetics, or weight fluctuations. You may be a candidate for an arm lift if your excess arm skin and fat bother you. The ideal candidate is a healthy individual who does not smoke. Realistic expectations are a must. Our surgeons strive to get as close to perfect as possible, but you will need to keep in mind that the arm lift scars are permanent. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are not eligible for cosmetic surgery. To find out if you’re a candidate, schedule an appointment with a surgeon at Body Contouring Surgery Clinic today.
Types of Arm Lifts
The two types of arms lifts. The technique depends on where you have excess skin and fat. Our surgeons will tailor the surgery to your particular needs to assure the best aesthetic outcome.
Standard Arm Lift
Traditionally, an arm lift removes lax skin and fat from beneath the upper arms. Our surgeons typically make a vertical incision from elbow to armpit.
Extended Arm Lift
If you have lax skin on your upper arms and the sides of your chest, an extended arm lift might be right for you. This technique produces a longer scar than the traditional arm lift.
Arm Lift Risks and Complications
For healthy patients who do not smoke, arm lifts are generally considered a safe procedure. However, no surgeon can eliminate all risks. Our surgeons at Body Contouring Clinic will review your medical history to ensure you do not present with factors that might increase your chance of complications. They will also take every precaution to conduct your surgery in the safest manner possible.
Before agreeing to undergo the operation, they will tell you about the possible risks that can occur, including:
- Seroma
- Bleeding
- Infections
- Asymmetry
- Blood clots
- Haematoma
- Tissue necrosis
- Irregular scarring
- Poor wound healing
- Pulmonary embolism
- Prolonged nerve damage
- Dissatisfaction with results
- Cardiac or respiratory issues from anaesthesia
At Body Contouring Surgery Clinic, our specialist surgeons are carefully selected for their training, expertise, and credentials. In the unlikely event of a complication, they are well-equipped to provide the necessary aftercare. Your safety is our highest priority.

The Surgery: What happens during the arm lift operation?
Before your operation starts, a licensed anaesthetist will administer general anaesthesia. You will not feel any pain during your arm lift. The surgery takes three to four hours on average.
If you are having a liposuction-based Brachioplasty, your surgeon will perform the liposuction initially. They will inject tumescent fluid into the arm to isolate the fat cells, then insert the liposuction cannula. VASER liposuction works by cavitating the fat cells through ultrasonic vibration. This causes the cell to burst. They will remove the liquefied fat through a thin, hollow tube that is hooked up to a suction device on low power.
After removing the excess fat, they will make a vertical incision on the upper arm. The incision runs from the elbow to the underarm. Our surgeons make every effort to produce the finest surgical scar possible so it won’t detract from your results. Next, they will measure and mark your skin. They will carefully trim off the loose skin and close the incision in layers. Our surgeons will apply a PICO wound dressing. Unlike a bandage, the PICO dressing applies negative pressure to the wound, which accelerates the healing process.
Arm Lift Recovery
You will feel groggy when you wake up in the recovery room. While it is possible to return home the same day as your arm lift, our surgeons typically advise an overnight hospital stay. Someone will need to be present to drive you home once you leave the hospital.
You can have a bird bath the day after your procedure. Take care to avoid getting the PICO dressing wet. Due to the swelling, your hands will likely be swollen and may feel like boxing gloves for the first seven days. You may need assistance getting dressed until you can use your hands comfortably.
Approximately a week after your surgery, your chaperone will drive you back to the office so your surgeon can remove the PICO dressing. They will replace the dressing with Hypafix tape, which can get wet. At this point, you can have a proper shower.
At two weeks post-op, you should start to feel more like yourself. You can now partake in light exercise. Working, running, and vigorous exercise can begin at around four weeks post-op. The swelling should continue to subside with each week that passes.
Three months after the surgery, most patients are back to their normal daily activities without restriction. The arm lift scar should start to fade at six to 12 months post-op. The tissues will continue to relax and soften during this time.

Arm Lift Results
After an arm lift, it takes time for the swelling and scarring to fade. You should see your final results at 12 to 18 months post-op. Once healed, your upper arms should appear slimmer and tighter than they did before your surgery. Our surgeons will see you at regular intervals to ensure you are healing as expected. They will also take photos so you can compare your before-and-after arm lift results side-by-side.
If you are interested in seeing arm lift results on real patients, call Body Contouring Surgery Clinic to schedule your private consultation today. We’ll show you how patients look before and after surgery to give you an idea of what an arm lift can do for you.
Schedule Your Consultation for an Arm Lift with a Surgeon at the Body Contouring Surgery Clinic Today
The surgeons at Body Contouring Surgery Clinic have helped countless patients get the sleek, sculpted arms they desire. If you feel ready to take the next step and learn more about what an arm lift can do for you, call 1300588494 now to connect with a compassionate surgeon who cares about giving you the best experience and results possible.
Arm Lift FAQs
The arm lift operation usually takes three to four hours. The time spent in the operating room depends on the extent of skin removal and whether liposuction is added to your procedure.
An arm lift at Body Contouring Surgery Clinic provides excellent results, but our surgeons may suggest adding VASER liposuction to your procedure since it may reduce bleeding, bruising, and yield a better cosmetic outcome. Our personalised surgical plans are tailored to your individual cosmetic goals.
Swelling is a normal side effect of surgery. Swelling can make your arms and hands feel firm and tight after an arm lift. Don’t be alarmed. Your hands should begin to look and feel less swollen at around seven days post-op.
Most patients feel comfortable enough to drive a car two to three weeks after arm lift surgery. You will need a ride home once you’re discharged from the hospital. Someone will also need to drive you to and from follow-up appointments with your surgeon.
Most patients return to work within two to four weeks after arm lift surgery.
Our surgeons make a vertical incision from the elbow to the axilla. They aim to make the surgical scar as discreet as possible so it won’t be readily visible to others when your arms are down at your sides. If you raise your arms, the scar will be apparent.
The scar should begin to fade at six months post-op. The scar will continue to remodel for 12 to 18 months. Mature patients may notice the scar redness fading sooner than younger patients.
All surgery leaves scars. The scar should eventually fade to a fine line. The scar is considered permanent. Laser treatments and prescription scar gel may help arm lift scars fade faster, but they will always be visible if you look closely. If you have a history of keloid scarring, let your surgeon know during your consultation.
Maintain a steady weight with diet and exercise to prevent fat from returning.
While minimally invasive treatments won’t offer the dramatic results of an arm lift, ultrasound therapy, fat freezing, and TruSculpt ID can reduce arm fat to a degree. Expect modest results compared to a traditional arm lift. Several sessions may be required to see results.