How Long Does Abdominoplasty Surgery Take?

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) surgery time varies depending on various factors. One of the main factors is how much liposuction is included. 

  • A mini tummy tuck without liposuction takes 1 hour, and 2 hours with liposuction.
  • A full abdominoplasty takes 2 to 3 hours without liposuction and 3 to 5 hours with liposuction.
  • An extended tummy tuck takes 3 to 4 hours with and 4 to 6 hours without liposuction.

Abdominoplasty can be done after significant weight loss, pregnancy, or aging, and is an ideal option for women looking to enhance the appearance of their stomachs. However, the length of the surgery and the variation in results are important factors to consider.

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What Is a Tummy Tuck?

Abdominoplasty is a procedure that aims to flatten a patient’s abdominal wall to the desired size. This is done when the surgeon removes excess skin and extra fat and tightens muscles. It is also known as a tummy tuck.

The primary goal of abdominoplasty is to create an individualised appearance and mould a well-defined abdominal contour that aligns with the patient’s size and shape. Ideally, the procedure extends beyond mere cosmetic enhancement. It can profoundly affect physical complaints such as rashes, discomfort moving, incontinence and back pain.

During the procedure, a specialist surgeon tightens the underlying muscles, addressing any laxity, or separation that might have occurred due to pregnancy, weight loss,  and more. This might, however, affect your plans for future pregnancies.

How Long Does a Standard Tummy Tuck Take?

According to Dr. Bernard Beldholm, a standard tummy tuck procedure takes 4 to 5 hours. However, patients vary, and surgery could take longer or less time. Two main factors that determine how long the abdominoplasty procedure takes include;  

Surgical Technique

Tummy tuck surgery time depends on the reconstructive surgery technique the surgeon will use. The two available techniques are abdominoplasty with or without liposuction.

Liposuction is a surgery type that removes fat from specific body areas to help shape the region to the desired shape and size. There is a difference between liposuction and tummy tuck, although patients can choose to get one along with the tummy tuck surgery.

There are three main types of tummy tuck operations: mini tummy tuck, full tummy tuck, and extended tummy tuck.

  • Partial abdominoplasty takes less time compared to a full tummy tuck. These surgeries usually take approximately an hour without liposuction. If a patient opts for liposuction, the surgery will take about 2 hours.
  • Complete tummy tuck surgeries are more complex, and the cosmetic surgeon must make a relatively larger incision. The full operation takes 2 to 3 hours without liposuction and between 3 to 5 hours with liposuction.
  • Extended tummy tuck procedures are similar to a standard abdominoplasty. The key difference is they target the lower abdomen between the hips and waist. Also, the incision made by the specialist surgeon is longer. An extended tummy tuck takes 3 to 4 hours without liposuction and 4 to 6 hours with liposuction.

Whether the FRACS surgeon includes liposuction or not, other surgical factors might prolong the patient’s time in the surgery room. For instance, repairing separated abdominal muscles will take the surgeon about 30 minutes. Also, repairing hernias and other issues takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Patient Factors

As much as the surgical techniques are the same, the tummy tuck surgery time will vary because of patient factors. Some of these factors include;

Body Mass Index  (BMI)

A patient’s Body Mass Index directly influences their time in the surgery room. The BMI index helps determine the amount of excess skin and fat to be removed.

It is worth mentioning that tummy tucks are not alternatives to significant weight loss. This is because the procedure poses a higher risk of complications, such as infections, blood clots, and poor wound healing, for those carrying too much body weight.

According to Dr. Beldholm, the key to knowing whether he can help is determining if the fat is internal or external.

Previous Surgery

This is mainly when you’re having revision surgery. In that case, you should expect the surgery to take more time. This is because the specialist surgeon has to make careful incisions in the delicate belly button region.

Dr. Bernard Beldholm advises patients to consider revision surgery 12 months after the previous abdominal surgery. This is to allow the previous incision site to heal. It is also a step towards reducing the risk of infections and other complications. Also, if more body tissues require removal in the second procedure, the surgery will take more time.

Internal vs. External fat

The treatment of internal and external body fat differs significantly. Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is designed to address external fat, which is the fat located outside the abdominal wall muscle and muscles. 

Internal fat, on the other hand, typically necessitates weight loss efforts rather than surgical intervention. This type of fat is found in the spaces around organs like the intestines and liver. 

It is, however important to note that individuals with a substantial amount of internal fat are generally not suitable candidates for abdominoplasty surgery. Instead, they should focus on weight loss strategies. Additionally, the amount of internal vs external fat will vary from person to person. 

Tummy Tuck Results Vs. Surgery Time

As discussed above, liposuction is a major determining factor in how long the surgical procedure takes. Patients who opt not to get liposuction along with the tummy tuck spend less time in the surgery room. This, however, affects the quality of results from the abdominoplasty.

Tummy tucks that incorporate liposuction yield better results than those without. There are two main components when removing excess abdominal tissue: excess fat and loose skin. Integrating liposuction in the operation results in a more desirable abdominal shape by factoring in cosmetic qualities.

Here is what Dr. Beldholm has to say, ‘‘I have performed abdominoplasty for more than 14 years. Incorporating VASER liposuction into my abdominoplasties has significantly impacted how much fat and skin I can remove. The main downside has been the time it takes to perform the VASER liposuction, which generally ranges from 1 to 2 hours.’’ 

Abdominoplasty Recovery Time

The typical duration of hospital stays following the procedure is usually one night. However, in many cases, patients tend to stay in the hospital for a period ranging from 2 to 3 nights. This allows the surgeon to check the incision and monitor the progress. It is also the ideal time to receive the surgeon’s instructions on caring for the incision and the body.

The following morning, the patients will need someone to take them home and watch them for the first few days. This is because the incision is fresh, and their mobility is limited. The side effects of the full tummy tuck fully kick in during this time.

After several weeks, the patient can resume performing small tasks such as driving. The incision soreness will still be there. It is only advisable to attempt physically demanding jobs after consulting with your surgeon.

Here is a brief breakdown of the average tummy tuck surgery healing process;

  • In the first week after surgery, the patient should have plenty of rest and avoid doing tasks. They will need some aid during this time.
  •  After 2 to 3 weeks, the patient can begin attempting small tasks such as shopping, cooking, and driving.
  • One month after surgery, the patient can resume normal daily activities that do not require much effort. This should, however, get authorised by the surgeon.

Note that this isn’t the ideal time frame; recovery time varies from patient to patient. It is normal to take 2 or 3 months before the surgeon can fully allow the patient to resume their day-to-day activities.

The Bottom Line

There is no exact time for how long an abdominoplasty surgery takes; the time varies and depends on various factors. As a patient, cosmetic surgery time shouldn’t be your primary concern; your focus should be getting the surgery done right to get the preeminent results. You can choose to include liposuction, which requires more operation time and yields better results, or not. Other factors, as mentioned above, might affect your overall abdominoplasty surgery time.

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