Pros and Cons of Different Brachioplasty Procedures

If there is one thing to know about arm lifts, it’s that the surgery always leaves a scar. Different arm lift procedures use different incisions. Therefore, the scarring can differ drastically depending on the technique chosen by your surgeon. Some types of arm lifts result in more scarring than others.

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In this article, Dr Bernard Beldholm, FRACS, explains what kind of scarring to expect with different types of arm lifts. He will also tell you about the pros and cons of different arm lift techniques.

By the time you’re done reading, you should have a better idea of what kind of benefits, disadvantages, and scars to expect after the surgery. This is important to know before any body contouring procedure. You do not want to be surprised with this information when it is too late.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of an arm lift procedure?

Everybody’s contouring procedure has benefits and drawbacks to consider. An arm lift is no different.

Pro: It improves the arm shape

Con: All surgery has risks

If done well, an arm lift can make sagging arms look tighter and firmer. Yet all surgery carries a risk of complications. Dr Beldholm will make you aware of the risks before you decide to have the operation. He will take extra time to explain them to you during your consultation. His office will also provide you with a consent form to sign.

Pro: Firmer arms and less fat

Con: An arm lift always leaves a scar

Arm lift benefits include firmer-looking arms and less arm fat. However, the main trade-off is the surgical scar, which is placed on the upper arms. Unfortunately, it is not as easy to hide as other types of surgical scars. While Dr Beldholm makes an effort to place the scar in less obvious areas, it will likely be visible in sleeveless tops and short sleeves.

Pro: Arm lift results can last a long time

Con: The surgery will leave permanent scarring

Patients that maintain a steady weight after an arm lift usually find the results last many years to come. Sagging arms are unlikely to come back, unless you gain and then lose a lot of weight in the future. Eventually, ageing can decrease skin elasticity. If you are young, this shouldn’t be a concern for many decades after having an arm lift.

On the downside, the scar will last a long time as well. Any time a surgeon cuts into the skin, there will be a scar. This can’t be avoided. You’ll need to consider whether you can live with scarring on your upper arms for the rest of your life. Only you can decide if it’s worth trading a scar for slimmer, tighter upper arms.

How can I make scars heal faster after and arm lift?

After an arm lift, you will need to avoid strong sun and follow your surgeon’s instructions to help the scar fade. Most patients find the arm lift scar fades to a fine line. People with a history of keloid or hypertrophic scarring may have raised, dark, or wide scars that don’t heal as nicely. It can take a year or more for arm lift scars to mature.

Laser scar treatments and prescription creams may be available to make arm lift scars less visible. However, they won’t totally erase the scar. Although it may heal to a fine line in the best case scenario, the scar is something you may have to live with for the rest of your life.

How is the arm lift scar length determined?

Let’s talk more about arm lift scars, since this is one of the main drawbacks of arm lift surgery. Here is what you need to know.

The more excess skin and fat removed, the bigger the arm lift scar. The scar length depends on your surgical plan. Every arm lift is different. Dr Bernard Beldholm customises the surgical plan to your needs. He will recommend the type of brachioplasty he believes will achieve your cosmetic goals.

Some arm lift procedures have a smaller scar than others. He will explain where he will place the incision lines so you know what kind of scarring to expect. All this happens before you agree to have surgery. The goal of his consultation is to help you make an educated decision.

Here are a few things Dr Beldholm will discuss with you at your consultation to determine what type of arm lift scar is right for you.

How much sagging skin and fat is present?

Some patients have minimal sagging skin on the upper arm. while patients that have achieved considerable weight loss often have extreme skin laxity. When there is less loose skin and fat to remove, Dr Beldholm may suggest an arm lift with a smaller incision. Removing a large amount of excess skin may require a longer incision. Of course, this means a longer arm lift scar, which can be a drawback.

Where is the loose skin located?

Is the loose skin closer to your armpit area? Does it extend all the way from your armpit to your elbow? Do you have excess skin on the sides of your chest as well? These questions will inform what type of arm lift procedure Dr Beldholm recommends.

Types of Arm Lifts Scars

After examining you, Dr Beldholm will plan the operation. He will recommend an arm lift technique that reflects your unique clinical presentation and aesthetic goals.

Here is a quick overview of some of the surgical options Dr Beldholm may discuss with you during your consultation as well as what kind of scarring to expect:

The mini brachioplasty scar is placed in the armpit, also known as the “axilla”.

A full brachioplasty scar is usually placed on the inner arm or back of the arm from the elbow to the armpit.

An extended brachioplasty scar is similar to a traditional arm lift, except it has an added scar on the sides of the chest wall.

Mini Brachioplasty: Pros and Cons

Mini brachioplasty

A mini arm lift (limited incision brachioplasty) removes a modest amount of skin and excess fat.

How the Surgery Works

Dr Beldholm makes a small incision in each armpit. He then removes a small segment of extra skin and fat. As he closes the incision, the upper arm skin is pulled toward the armpit and smoothed out.

Possible Benefits

Wound healing and downtime are usually much quicker since the surgeon makes only a small incision.

Possible Disadvantages

A mini arm lift won’t have the same dramatic results as a traditional arm lift procedure. If you lose weight through bariatric surgery, this option probably isn’t right for you.

Full Brachioplasty: Pros and Cons

Full brachioplasty

A full arm lift is one of the most common types of arm lifts for patients with lax skin after significant weight loss.

How the Surgery Works

The surgeon makes vertical incision lines on the upper arm, removes the excess fat and extra skin, and then closes the incision.

Possible Benefits

This technique leaves the upper arm area significantly more toned and firmer than what mini arm lift surgery can achieve.

Possible Disadvantages

Unlike mini brachioplasty, a full arm lift has a more obvious scar that isn’t as easy to hide. The scar on the upper arms may be visible in short-sleeve shirts and singlets.

Extended Brachioplasty: Pros and Cons

Extended brachioplasty

This technique may be appropriate for patients with sagging skin on the arms after massive weight loss.

How the Surgery Works

This is a technique used to tighten loose skin by removing subcutaneous tissue from the upper arms and chest sides. The incision continues from the elbow toward the armpit and then extends down onto each side of the chest.

Possible Benefits

An extended arm lift removes the most excess tissue and fat. It addresses laxity on the arms and sides of the chest. This could be a great option for patients with extreme saggy arm skin after major weight loss.

Possible Disadvantages

While this technique has the most dramatic results of all the arm lift options, it can leave extensive scarring on the arms and sides of the chest. The scars are not always easy to hide. Downtime and recovery times may be longer since it’s a more intensive surgery.

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Will I have a scar after an arm lift?

Every surgical cosmetic procedure leaves a scar, including arm lift surgery. The scar may be placed on the inside of your arm, in your armpit, or the back of your arms. Extended arm lifts have the longest scar of all, which can extend down onto the sides of the chest.

How can I make arm lift scars fade faster?

Dr Beldholm includes laser therapy as part of his follow-up care, included in his surgeon fee.

Will an arm lift make me lose weight?

An arm lift (brachioplasty) is not a weight loss surgery. You will need to reach a healthy body mass index beforehand. Dr Beldholm may ask you to maintain a stable weight for at least six months before your operation.

Can an arm lift improve muscle tone?

Arm lift surgery does not increase muscle mass. However, adding liposuction to arm lift procedures can etch out and highlight the muscles in the upper arms. Removing excess fat may make it easier to see the muscles you have worked so hard to build in the gym.

How do I prepare for arm lift surgery?

You may need to complete basic blood tests, quit smoking, request time off work, and adjust certain medications. You will also need to ask a friend or family member to drive you home from the hospital and to your follow-up appointments during the first two to three weeks post-op.

What are the risks involved with an arm lift procedure?

Risks involved with elective surgery may include complications from general anesthesia, nerve injury, infection, fluid retention, blood clots, permanent scarring at the wound site, wound healing issues such as necrotic skin, etc. Major complications are less common than minor ones.

While no surgeon can guarantee a safe procedure, highly qualified specialist surgeons, cosmetic surgeons, plastic surgeons, or aesthetic surgeons follow strict safety guidelines to lower the chance of something going wrong.

What increases the risk of complications?

Risk factors may include hypertension, diabetes, blood-clotting disorders, active infections, and poor general health. Smoking is one of the worst things you can do before and after arm lift surgery, as it can slow wound healing and greatly increase the chance of complications. Dr Beldholm will take your complete medical history before recommending an arm lift procedure to make sure you are a good candidate.

What does arm lift surgery aftercare entail?

You may need to adjust your medications temporarily after the procedure. This includes avoiding a class of anti inflammatory drugs known as NSAIDs, blood-thinning medications, over-the-counter herbal medications, and Vitamin E.

Dr Beldholm may also ask you to wear compression garments after body contouring surgery. The purpose of the compression garment is to help the skin adhere to the underlying tissues and minimise swelling after upper arm lift surgery.

He may apply surgical drains, which are tubes that drain fluid collections. The drains are usually removed at one to three days post-op.

What should I know before having upper arm lift surgery?

Before an arm lift procedure, you will need to seriously consider whether you can commit to a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy weight is vital to prolonging the results of arm lift surgery. If you do put on weight, it can cause excess fat in the arms to recur.

Additionally, gaining and then losing a substantial amount of weight after arm lift surgery may cause loose skin to return. Therefore, you will need to maintain a stable weight after the procedure.

You will also need to have realistic expectations. Upper arm lift surgery will not make you look like a celebrity or necessarily change your life for the better.

Arm lift recovery comes with its ups and downs. There can be some pain during healing, for which your surgeon may prescribe anti inflammatory drugs. Your arms may not look identical after the operation, but they should look comparable in size and shape.

Are there any non-surgical ways to tighten excess skin on the upper arms?

There are some laser treatments and non-surgical skin rejuvenation procedures available to tighten loose skin. These options will not remove extra skin folds after weight loss, but they may help tighten the skin to minor extent.

Many patients are attracted to the idea of these procedures since the healing process is usually short compared to the downtime of surgery. However, non-surgical skin tightening will not have nearly as dramatic a result as body contouring surgery.

Are there any non-surgical ways to reduce arm fat?

Some of Dr Beldholm’s patients choose TruSculptID, a non-surgical fat reduction treatment that uses heat to target fat cells. Multiple sessions are needed and it does not require general anaesthesia. The results are less dramatic than arm liposuction. It also cannot meaningfully tighten skin. If you have severe skin laxity, you may be a better candidate for surgical arm contouring.

Is an arm lift major surgery?

While an upper arm lift may not be as invasive as a heart operation, it is a big deal and requires you to think carefully about the benefits, risks, and trade-offs before making a decision.

Can I combine an arm lift and other body contouring procedures?

The answer, in most cases, is yes. Some operations may be able to take place on the same day. An example is arm liposuction and arm lift surgery.

If you need other procedures, such as a breast lift (mastopexy) or a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), these operations may need to take place a few months apart. Too many surgeries in one day can be risky and cause a difficult, lengthy healing process.

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